In response to the many requests over the last couple years since I wrote part one (back HERE), here you go:

So there I was, wondering about that boy, the one with the
hair curling around his forehead and the dimple-jeweled smile.  The one our mutual friend had told me had a crush on me.  He was kind and good and funny.  But I started to think that his friend was full of malarkey.   Sure, he visited our apartment a bunch.  We had game nights and stayed up late talking.  He beamed me his smile that became more and
more endearing.  But he sure didn’t make any moves.
He was not like the other die-hard-daters at BYU back in that day.  He was different.
And I liked it.
My heart had hollowed out a little spot of possibility for
him. And I secretly hoped his friend was right. 
I wanted him to ask me out on a date.
One day, out of the blue, he and his roommate came and
whisked my roommate and I off to try these β€œamazing” slushies they had found at
a local gas station.   I don’t remember
how those slushies tasted, but I do remember sitting in the back seat of his
car, catching his eyes in the rear view mirror. 
It was hardly a date.  But I
finally saw a little glimmer of interest. 
And I liked that too.
So I decided to go out on a limb and do the inviting myself.  I think it’s great when girls ask boys out,
but I had never done it.  My roommates
and I decided to have a β€œHow to Host a Murder” dinner up at our family cabin.  He accepted.
My stomach was all butterflies. We had to dress up for the “game.”  He was an aviator and I was a school teacher.

 I’m sure my face was splotchy and flushed all night just like in that picture up there.

And I’m sure that splotchy-ness turned
scarlet when he gave me a kiss.  I was falling
fast for this boy who talked about deep ideas with me out on the porch after
dinner under the stars.
From there it was a whirlwind.  Somewhere in the midst of my heart swirling
around this boy were my mission papers all wrapped up and mailed into the
church offices.  Right alongside that boy
in my heart was that mission of mine on the horizon.   I knew I was going.  I never doubted that.
I don’t know if it would have torn my heart in two if that
cute boy I was falling head-over-heels for had begged me to stay…to marry him
and get on with life together.  But we
never had that talk.  Neither of us
brought it up.  It was like we knew, no
matter how much we liked each other, that I was going.   He was
far from ready to settle down.  And I had
prayed my guts out about whether or not I should go on a mission before he came
prying into my heart.  We both needed
that mission whether or not we ended up together.   And we were both ok with that.  But we sure had fun in the meantime.
One day I got a call from my parents announcing that a
special envelope had arrived back home.  It was a large one that contained an announcement of where I would spend the next eighteen months of my life.  As my friends and I drove the hour home to open it up I was shaking with anticipation.  That little paper inside that big white envelope was going to steer the direction of my life in an unknown direction.

But I knew no matter where it was that it would be a good one.
{to be continued…}

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  1. I love falling in love stories!!! Even better…the foreshadowing that he waited for you is super cool. My husband wrote me for 18 months and I still think it is the most romantic thing ever. (And not many girls have 18 months of letters from their spouse.) Can't wait to hear the rest!

  2. Such a great story!
    Off the subject, but I love in Gilbert and have an 8 year old daughter that I have been trying my darnedest to track down tennis lessons for… With no luck. I know your family plays a lot so tennis and wondered if you could share anybody/organisations that you know of here in the area? As a side note, my kids go to ALA and my daughter just found out she got Mr. Eyre for her 3rd grade teacher next year and she is over the MOON excited, because "he is the best"!! πŸ˜‰
    Thx in advance! πŸ™‚

  3. Amazing how Souls recognize each other by the way they feel when they meet. We see all the magic of their Shining Soul that they don't see themselves…and if we are lucky enough to Love them for keeps…we get to remind them of that later on…when they have forgotten.

  4. It is such a good idea to write these stories down! My husband just passed away a few months ago, and I am so grateful that I had blogged about our love story, how we met, etc. I am so grateful for the record I have of so much of our life together. Keep writing your love story… it will be a treasure for you/your kids in the future!

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