I love nature. It might even be safe to say I gather a few eyerolls from my family with my obsession. Every bud and crinkled up leaf and sunset and the way the winter branches look against the cool blue sky makes me stop in my tracks. So I think it’s incredible that I have a child who may be even more obsessed than I am.
I mean, this girl literally cannot get enough.

I love this picture from the 4th of July in Newport Beach last year:

Do not take Lucy away from a sunset for a picture for crying out loud!
She gets giddy when there is a beautiful sunset (she can’t see it, but I do think there’s something with how it FEELS almost holy inside her when the air is filled with color). She cannot get enough of rain. If she misses a rainstorm she’s hopping mad. She works to walk Bo during the golden hour. And don’t you dare crunch fall leaves without that girl! And why in heaven’s name do people RAKE leaves? Can’t they see how beautiful they are??
Oh I love her.
There was one day in the beginning of December where she was cracking me up. I thought I wrote about it here, but it must have just been Instagram. I happened to be coming home from an errand when she texted me that I just HAD to meet her as she was walking home from the bus stop. She was pretty excited about whatever she had to tell me.

She had found a patch of leaves that just had to be jumped in.
I was in a hurry and was reluctant, but I love that her pure excitement pulled me out of my car to bury her and enjoy all that beauty together for a few minutes.

So fast-forward to the other day when she told me she needed to go meet someone who wanted to jump in the leaves with her. I’m not sure how this was orchestrated, but these are the photos I got from my friend (thank you Michelle!!).

She had gathered everyone to come bask in that fall beauty with her. And bury her too.

Apparently I wasn’t excited enough when she cajoled me into joining her last time. Ha!

Love you and your love for nature forever Miss Lu.
This is lovely.
I also love nature, especially the autumn. It’s my favourite season.
Like Lucy, I also love the rain. It rains quite a lot in the UK & most people moan about it but I love it.
It choked me up when you said that Lucy can no longer see sunsets. It must be so hard for both of you. x
I thank Heavenly Father every day for this beautiful world.