So, with five less toenails and a long trip to support his daughter under his belt, Dave completed his second marathon on Saturday.
I will spare you the pictures of his feet, because describing them as “gross” would be a serious understatement. I’ll just say that man alive, after seeing those toes I don’t think running a marathon is on anyone’s bucket list in this family.

It was HOT that day.

His iPod didn’t work (in my mind not many things could be worse than running 26.2 miles, but running it without any music? now that’s misery.)

He was getting Lucy safely under her anesthesia instead of carb loading or whatever marathon runners do. He was playing memory with her instead of doing his last runs. And then he was on a long flight and functioning on little sleep.

But he did it. And he did well.

We’re all so proud of him.
And I am so incredibly grateful that despite all that training and serious work, he didn’t bat an eye when our NIH trip fell at the same time as the marathon. I’m so thankful for this man and his will-power and example.

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  1. That is awesome!! Running a Marathon will never be on my bucket list but I am always in awe of those who do run them. I can't imagine running that far but doing it without music would be torture!!

  2. Seriously, it takes a dedicated family man to not bat an eye when a family issue comes between him and something he's been working at for months. Way to go, Dave!

  3. NO IPOD!!!!! I can't tell Jeff that…his race is coming up next weekend and I know he'll get even more nervous thinking about that possibility!

  4. Yay to Dave! Thank goodness I can get a pedicure and have some polish to cover my disgusting feet! I just go with dark Brown…matches beautifully! It was so awesome to see you guys last week!

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