It is interesting to think about March (wasn’t that like 55 years ago??), back in the day when the world was “normal” and no one really had any clue what was going to hit it.
Little did we know it was the month the world turned on it’s side and that Corona would take over.
That people would be walking around in their own fashionable masks and that there would be no end in sight for months and months.
Little did I know that this little mantra we came up with for 2020 would prove to be a pretty important one:

But we started off the month normal.
The Activity Day girls came over to learn to bake bread:

We would get to attend Claire’s “Golden Scholar” ceremony at the school.

Crowds of people with masks nowhere in sight.
We got to hug up our grandparents on a beautiful sunset night:

And have group family FaceTime conversations about exciting upcoming wedding details before Zoom was ever even a thing:

Our neighborhood was bursting out in all it’s glory:

Casting spring shadows across the sidewalk, the buds ready to spring out new life:

I got to go out to lunch and talk through the world with these awesome ladies:

Max and Abby got to run into his old mission president…and try to stay warm while studying:

Lu accompanied me for gift deliveries.

Right before we left fo Costa Rica the BYU volleyball team beat first ranked Hawaii and became the number one D1 team:

And that was exciting news to get en route to spring break!
We went to Costa Rica with our cousins. (all about that back HERE).

The timing was so beautiful right before the world turned upside down. (I wrote all about how that went down for us back HERE.)
All that corona stuff unfolded right before our eyes.
And with it, all the plans of Elle’s wedding unfolded too.
She came home for her bridal shower (the first of three that failed!):

Back at that time there was still wishful thinking that things would somehow even out):

She came lugging her whole suitcase filled up with wedding invitations we got printed right before things started falling apart.

And I wrote ALL about that back HERE, so I won’t bore you to tears writing all about it again.
Then it was on to our first quarantine. Max and Abby came home when school was cancelled, and Carson joined us too (he had planned to come for the bridal shower…little did he know he’d be here until the wedding!

We did lots during quarantine. We worked out:

We hiked:

We cooked, and made stuff like delicious salads:

(These screenshots are from the instagram account @r2sense. They have some great ideas of all sorts over there!)
We had lots of family dinners:

Watched all kinds of gorgeous sunsets:

We had lots of sister bonding (HERE), and pink-hair-dying:

Card games:

Dave’s brother and his wife came to town:

More hiking:

We did a boatload of work projects:

Again, lots more about that in that quarantine post back HERE.
And more hikes…

And more baking…

Because we couldn’t go to Wisconsin for Lucy’s appointment, we were sent her medication and it was a big deal to get it here still at the right temperature and safe to use, but those guys are awesome at making sure all is well:

Someone came up with a “Casino Night” idea one night, and that will go down in history as one we will sure remember! (back HERE).

We got to business on finally finishing the girls’ bedrooms:

(all about Claire’s back HERE, and Lucy’s HERE)
We did SO much during our time together, and I wrote all about so many of the things back HERE, so there you go!
We thought a lot about weddings in March. Especially since we had the bride and groom to-be living with us.

We came up with ten thousand plans that got reworked over and over again.
All about those plans back HERE.
And that’s a wrap (finally) of March 2020. What a wild ride that month was!
Hi!! I love your little corner of the Internet! This is a random question but which Instagram account had the Cowboy Ciao Salad? I’m always looking for new recipes for my hunnies.
I googled and found the recipe on several sites – similar one here:
Oh yes thank you for the answer, Danielle, and I didn’t realize I cut off that instagram account…it’s called r2sense and it’s got a ton of great stuff on it! Check it out, I’ll have to link it in the post as well.
I took my daughter on her mother-daughter senior trip to San Francisco in the middle of February -thanks goodness! I’m glad you got to go on your trip as well. Crazy how fast everything changed. I work in a high school and the first day back seeing all of the students in masks was surreal and made me tear up (I fully support mask-wearing, it was just so dystopian looking). Many blessings to you and your lovely family!
Thank you so much for sharing all this wonderful info. It is so appreciated! You always have good humor in your posts. So much fun and easy to read!