Claire has been helping me sort through some old pictures so that they don’t just get sucked into the vast disarray of “storage.”

And there were some I can’t pass up sharing.

Because if you’re a young mama and your kids are driving you nutty, remember they will be older before you know it. I still feel like I should be right here with these “babies” of mine!

We’ve been pouring over these ones from our semester in China. Claire loved that experience with all her heart. She had the sweetest friends, two of whom she still keeps in touch with through social media.

We walked to and from school together every day, those girls usually hand-in-hand….and often with an umbrella.

Lucy got so into Harry Potter in China. Interesting that she’s reading that series again right as we speak. I’m sad she can’t read the real book any more, but so grateful she can listen.

Oh I want to squish her.

These girls went to girls’ camp shortly after we arrived in this new land. They were not very happy about that as you can see.

Gosh sometimes it’s so tricky to let kids go through that kind of thing.

But they sure came out of it triumphant. And have the best memories of our time there. Maybe not the actual girls camp part.

Max made himself even more uncomfortable by joining the basketball team (he couldn’t play volleyball since it would mess with his eligibility at home). He had a good experience with that.

Oh I would give anything to go back to this night doing homework with my girls:

And stopping for a little shopping with this one:

Killing me:

And this one…not in China, but such a great rendition of Claire’s perfection of the “Welcoming Response.”

I need to frame that one I love it so.

Ok, there you go, a little jumble of pictures for a Wednesday morning for you!

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  1. So, I really want to know– how do you save pictures? Are you still printing books of your blog? Just printing photo books? How are you making it happen?

  2. I agree with Kayli’s comment above! I’m in huge need to organize my photos but am so overwhelmed with the how.

    Also, thinking of your Grace, hoping she’s okay in Texas with all of the storms and outages! It’s all so heartbreaking.

  3. Wonderful pictures! I have so many photo boxes waiting for me to do something besides rifle through them now and again:)

  4. Oh my goodness, I can’t remember ever seeing these pictures! I’m going through old pictures too right now and it’s such a “trip”! Everyone could be framed!

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