It has been so warm and nice around here that the kids have decided it’s swim weather.
I personally think they’re crazy, but how can you turn down faces like these when they ask to swim?

We’ve also spent a bunch of time at the park soaking in all the nice weather.

But wouldn’t you know that it would cool down and pour with rain right on the final play-offs for our Primary softball:The kids were all just about frozen into ice cubes by the time they were done, but all in all it was a good season as evidenced on these faces:(We’ve started up Primary softball in our Stake for the first time and we’ve all surprisingly loved it despite the craziness with all the ward conferences and meetings this time of year. My new best friends in the Stake Primary presidency and I have been staying so darn busy meeting with all the wards and going to hours on end of church on Sundays to do sharing times and getting ready for day camp. I’ve been making the rounds visiting Pinewood Derbies and Blue and Gold banquets like nobody’s business. Luckily my girls like to come along to those things so I don’t feel so bad being away so much.)

I got to go to the Renaissance Festival with Elle and a whole slew of other sixth graders:
I love watching that girl interact with her friends. She’s a sweetie pie.
She has been mourning lately since a whole bunch of her friends get to go into Young Womens around now and she has to wait ’til her birthday in August (she’s just so young for her grade).

Grace has been reading like crazy to try to catch up with her AR goals:

And Elle works like the dickens to keep up with all her homework.
Yesterday it started POURING while we were at church. The kids thought it was the greatest thing that’s ever happened and they begged to run home so they could get drenched in the rain. I let them out a block away from our house and watched them run in glee all the way home. It was one of those little “moments” I don’t want to forget.

All these blossoms are KILLING poor Max and I with our allergies.
And just FYI, Max and Dave DO live here and are, indeed, alive and well. They just dread the camera when it comes out so I don’t get them in here much. Max just started his first football season ever and it’s TOUGH, but he seems to love it. His b-ball team is still undefeated and they have play-offs next week.

Ok, that’s all for now!

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  1. My kids have been playing in the water the second the sun comes out too! They tell me it's "hot" ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love the photo of Lucy playing with her guys up on the playset. That's super sweet.

  2. How fun! I hear that you and dad got pretty well soaked through going to lunch today. What's up with all this water there and almost no snow here?
    (Well it snows a couple of inches every day but nothing big)

  3. I happened upon you through The Lucy Project…which I happened upon as well. I was searching for something and I think in the end I found just what I needed. You have a beautiful family and if you don't mind I'll pop in every now and again. LOVE it! Reading through this post I feel like I'm reliving all those ages of growing up…so fun!

  4. I love this post. I'm looking for a new camera. I'm not nearly as advanced as you are with the camera, but I would easily live with one hanging from my neck. Do you thik I could pass it off as a necklace? Ha! I just got called into YW (Mia Maids) and I was excited that my daughter and I would finally be in a class together. I quickly remembered that she turns 16 in March, so will be moving on to Laurels. Darn it!

  5. I am soooo jealous of your weather! I think it is sooo cute that you let them play in the rain esp in their church clothes! Your such a good mom! And I was reading your queen post and laughing because we have one of those at our house too! Good thing they are so cute I guess!

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