We all need a little mothering pick-me-up every now and again, am I right?  I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.  And I’m pretty excited because NEXT WEEK there’s a pretty great opportunity to tune in on a giant “pick-me-up:”  
The week before last my sister Saren and I had a little Skype interview.  She’s getting ready for her Mom Conference over at Power of Moms, which is a compilation of 20 recorded interviews moms can watch online and get completely inspired in their “career” of motherhood while folding laundry, commuting to work, making green smoothies, doing yoga, feeding a baby or even running from one thing to the next wherever internet is available.

Isn’t that awesome?

I get to be one of the speakers in the line-up, which I’ll be honest, is a little daunting.  This line up is pretty spectacular.  Check out who’s speaking over HERE (scroll down a little to see the speakers and topics they will be presenting about).

I’m particularly excited for these ones:

Raising Siblings to be Best Friends

Today’s Teens, Tomorrow’s Titans

The Positive Side of Misbehavior – 

Consequences That Work!

This one is going to be very helpful in my current quest to find better foods for us:

Simple Ways to Feed Your Family Healthy Foods

And boy, do I ever need this one:

Creating Better Life Balance

I get to talk about this:

Finding More Joy in Motherhood

The conference will take place next week on October 13, 14 and 15th (next week) and I guess they have some sponsors that have made it so it is completely free to watch on the days it’s presented OR you can purchase the conference and watch any time you want.

Now that is a pretty cool deal.

From what I hear, there are groups of moms gathering to watch and discuss together which I think it a pretty awesome idea, but just watching while I’m running around seems pretty great too (I am a multi-tasking addict…trying to quit:)

All you have to do is register HERE (and watch the video there which explains it all in more detail).  Share it with your friends, gather together, or watch it on your own, but don’t miss it!

A little more from Power of Moms:

To help you avoid procrastination (we know how it goes!), if you register RIGHT NOW, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as your registration has been completed!
– FREE Video: Simple Tips for Teaching Children Values (by NYTimes #1 Bestselling Authors, Richard and Linda Eyre)
– FREE Program: Clutter Buster Kit from Power of Moms
– FREE Guide: 75 Quick and Healthy Snacks
Come listen ONLINE and be inspired October 13, 14 and 15th!
Register for FREE at THIS LINK today.

“Motherhood is hard. But motherhood is also beautiful. This conference is about helping you maximize the beautiful stuff while minimizing the hard stuff. The Mom Conference will inspire mothers with powerful new ideas on the topics we all need: discipline, sibling rivalry, health, fitness, and so much more. You’ll come away with concrete ideas and inspiration that will help you be the mom you really want to be.”

Can’t wait.

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  1. So excited about this! Also, if you're wanting some healthy recipes…cleansimpleeats on Instagram has a 40 day meal plan coming out this weekend and her recipes are SO delicious and healthy. Thanks for being my favorite blogger, Shawni! I've been reading since a newlywed and now have my own little toddlers running around. It's so fun to read a more seasoned moms blog!

  2. I'm glad your speaking because over the years I have never seen you give back to other moms. You have so much going on with your kids and you are always thanking everyone else that helps you time and time again. You have gratitude for it all but it seems you can never help any other mom out so it's nice to see!

  3. I love the way you give back to other mothers by your you-can-do-it, we-can-do-it, be-grateful-and-move-onward-ness. Can't wait to hear you and the other experts speak!

  4. Where would I buy this conference CD from 2015? I'm super excited to for this upcoming event. But I'd love to listen and learn from 2015 also!

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