There was one morning a few weeks back when everyone was home when I disregarded the heat and went running by myself. As I ran, clinging to the shady spots, trying not to push my still-aching-from-my-waterski-hitting-it-knee harder than I should, I listened to a podcast that spoke to me. I need to go back and listen again…was it that amazing or was it just the very words I needed to hear? I don’t know, but there was a section about how good for the soul it is to be an early-to-bed, early-to-rise person. Early in the morning is when inspiration comes, I’ve learned, and boy, do I ever need inspiration right about now!
So, since then, I have made a more conscious effort to be a more consistent early-to-rise person and I have felt such a tremendous difference in my life. There is so much beauty in the early mornings, and I feel so much more prepared to greet all the life that comes my way.

So I just thought I’d share here, because maybe it will inspire you too. (The early-to-rise part starts at minute 39, just FYI).

The link is HERE.
Or if you don’t have Apple podcasts it’s HERE.
And as long as we’re talking about mornings, I have to share this morning meditation my sister Saydi introduced me to this summer. It is so beautiful it made me tear up the first time I listened. There’s something about those ancestors going before me, as well as that light that can precede each thing I do each day that is so beautiful to me.

You can find that meditation HERE.
Happy Thursday!
Thanks for this, Shawni. I love podcast recommendations. A great LDS mom podcast I’d recommend is Jody Moore, Better Than Happy. She’s amazing and so inspiring.
Thanks for your inspiration!
Thanks Shawni for this reminder! I have had a hard time with this, mostly because I’m eight months pregnant which requires a little more flexibility, but after listening realized that I was spending the hour or so I was waking up around 4 am just scrolling mindlessly on my phone. Inspired me to do something intentional and meaningful instead and I’m loving the change.
I listened to the podcast you suggested. I did find the idea compelling, but as a science mind, I found myself seeing reasons for a number of things – like, statistically, the older you get, the less you can or need to sleep. So an early rising leader in your church, and he did mention their ages, might explain it. Trying to find loopholes or exceptions – it’s a curse of society nowdays!