I’ve been spending some serious quality time with my new best friends the last couple weeks: the Stake Primary Presidency. I wish I had a picture of them to post here. They are amazing women.
It’s ward conference season and we sure are seeing a lot of each other these days! This was what has been on the docket the first couple weeks:
6 Stake Primary meetings (we had our own plus we meet with each ward right before their Ward Conference, and had to practice for some music stuff before everything started)
2 Stake Baptisms (spoke at both)
4 ward conferences (two hours each…we teach sharing time/singing time both hours=8 sharing times) plus go to our own wards
1 ward temple night
So, we’ve got 4 down, 5 to go (which means 8 down, 10 to go on the sharing times…)
Again, not complaining, just wanting to remember why things are still not slowing down after the Christmas rush…
Whoa! I wish our Stake leaders took on singing and sharing time when they come! They are wonderful, but mostly just sit and smile while we do the dog and pony show up front 🙂 I’m sure you do a wonderful job! I’m still trying to get a handle on primary president after 2 months – first counselor was a much simpler job though I didn’t know it then!
I’m with you on this one… we start ward conferences and monthly leadership trainings this week. There’s nothing like best presidency friends.
Your wards are lucky YOU get to teach their sharing times…our stake primary president said they were directed by the stake president to NOT teach our sharing times but to come and sit in the back and make faces at us. (OK, I think she added the make faces part). All the other organizations got stake taught lessons. Not us. So, I know you are stressed like mad, but, think about how many of those sisters you are making their day!
How fun in a church calling, meeting attending, go to 30 hours of church stuff a week, kind of fun.
i know what you mean… and i am only in the WARD YW presidency, but seriously- i feel like its hard to catch my breath sometimes!
sometimes i am amazed that all these things happened when i was a YW… i had no idea! i just showed up and figured that my leaders just naturally had everything together.
little did i know how much work and time and effort they put into all the functions that happen.
i bet you do awesome 🙂