After about six months of deliberation on which fabric to use, and another few for the actual labor of it, we finally got our new chair for the living room.This local guy here made it for me. He just copied it from a magazine picture I brought to him.
I love it.
So now our living room looks like this:(The original “before and afters” of this room are here. And because some have asked, the paint is “Silver Fox” from Dunn Edwards.)
Gorgeous! I ADORE your slate floors and just everything about this room. This is totally my style too. 🙂
It's so beautiful! The style of the chair is gorgeous, as well as the color of the fabric. I also love it with the pretty blue on the walls.
That is so darn cute! I love the color, the style, shape and contrast it has againt the walls. It's amazing!
LOVE! It's beautiful!
It's beautiful. I LOVE the family picture behind the sofa…really makes the room
I love your style and all your posts. I haven't commented in awhile, but I truly do enjoy your perspective on motherhood and life. Thank you!
beautiful! the chair was the perfect touch. I'm loving the cool, clean color scheme.
Gorgeous chair!! I just love it!! 🙂
Oh and your piano is just to die for!
Shawni…I just might need his number! I have a bed that I want made. Like REALLY bad…and I just don't want to pay Horchow prices 🙂 If you have a sec…could you share it?
Thanks! BTW…LOVE the chair! Green just happens to be my FAVORITE color!!!
Gorgous! Can't wait to see it in person!
I found your site via Saren (she and i were on study abroad in london back when we were 19!) and I've been really enjoying looking through your photography. Nice work! Those Duke photos are awesome!
I love this room of yours. Fabulous new chair and I have to ask you about the paint color. Would you share what color that is–if you remember? I'm looking at redoing my colors in my home and want to get a blue I like. This looks divine! Please share if you would. Enjoying your posts, Lesli Streets
Fabulous! Who wouldn't want to practice piano there for hours? I think side chairs are so tricky…lovely color and scale for the room!
LOVE it!!!
Love the color!I know someone who did her whole house in "lime" and everyone ooos & aahhhs about it!fun
love that color! AND the family picture! I mentioned you on my blog…stole a photography idea from you!!
I've said it before and I will say it again, I LOVE that whole room!!! even better in person I might add. Did you get the email I sent you yesterday?
Looks amazing! You are a genius. I have never seen so beautiful home chairs. They fit very well and became an indispensable part of your interior. If you need to choose some other types if chair, read my blog. I also sort of addicted.
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In this situation, the next customer who purchases this chair will essentially be getting a terrific bargain by purchasing a chair that has been used for a few days with little to no risk of a defect occurring. Read More