Elle’s got some new accessories to show off.
Here are the before and after shots:She wanted to make sure I get these pictures up asap, because she’s pleased as punch about having those barnacles stuck to her teeth. She’s still in training on trying to figure out how to move her lips just the right way to smile and talk. It’s pretty cute.
She is gone to science camp this week (with the whole sixth grade), and it’s strange to me how it can feel so empty in a house still chock full of kids and their friends when one of them is missing.It’s also strange to me that I just said she’s in SIXTH GRADE. Wait, how in the world did that happen so quick?
I sure hope she’s having fun.But how can she not with this group of great girls at her side?
oh science camp. i have a few years to go but our school has NO communication with our kids for the 5 days. yikes, that will be hard for me. i know she'll be fine, and me too. but who doesn't talk to their kid when there gone. whew, not me.
she looks excited to go. so fun for them!
She is beautiful, with AND without the braces!!
My daughter is only 8, but someday I would love to send her to a cool science camp like that. She and my son, who is 6, are SO into science and nature. Where did you find out about this camp and how did you know you could trust it? Was it through their school?
Kierstin, the whole sixth grade just goes every year at our school. I'm glad because they learn so much.
Good grief, she looks so much like YOU!
Ok so I found your blog after buying your book and LOVING it. I sincerely want to just tell you that out of all the millions of blogs out there – yours inspires me like no other. Your family traditions and things are so fun to learn about and I have incorporated so many of them already. My mom was/is a great mom but she had depression issues and such so just getting through the day was applaudable. I am excited to make my family my own with traditions and fun things to bond us forever with fantastic memories and laughter. Thanks SO much for sharing these things. You have no idea………….. 🙂
ok, who is your ortho? we went to one who is so ridiculously over-priced I think I had, "tell me the price you want me to pay you and I won't question it and I will just write you a check…and hey, how much is the Mercedes you want? cuz I will go ahead and pay you any amount you want…."
written on my forehead…
are they pre-braces or the whole schebang?