I’m home, totally and completely rejuvenated.…And I adore these girls even more than I did before I left. My amazing sisters.
I have SO much to write about, but I’m heading up to hang with my husband who put up with me being gone so long. And man oh man am I ever thankful for him.
Just wanted to write a little note that I’m doing one more segment on a tv show tomorrow. It’s Arizona Midday and it airs at 1:00. I’ll be talking about the book and more photography tips like the one in Utah.
On a side-note, my plane didn’t crash like I was completely sure it would after jumping around like it was on a trampoline for a half hour.
I was completely patient and loving with my family all night. I played games with the kids, taught Claire to read a couple new pages of “Are You My Mother?” (our favorite), read with Max while he did my hair, tucked them all in their beds with kisses and hugs, and let my heart soak them all in. Yep, I’m on a high. I’m armored with all my new ideas from my sisters, my brother, conference, life…
Until tomorrow.
Then I know real life will hit again.
But that’s ok.
Because I’m ready.
Bring it on.
(…I just need to remember to check my notes from the conference next time I find tears spilling out because every child is trying to talk to me at once and Lucy’s screaming and I have laundry coming out my ears and I’m lost trying to find the latest and greatest doctor to help me manage Lucy’s issues….but at least I have good notes!)
I feel the same way…. conference was great. It was so fun to see you in the bookstore signing books! I wanted to tell you, I overheard some girls giggling and chatting about you and how awesome it was to finally meet you! They were blog stalkers and were so amazed with you. You are such an inspiration to so many people. I am not sure how you balance it all but you seem to do a great job. Keep it up!!!
So glad to hear that you were able to regroup and recharge! We all need that at times.
I have run across your beautiful blog a few times lately, and just realized our tender connection. Your father baptized my grandparents as a missionary. I wish I knew more of the details (I should call my mother and ask her. She was a teenager when they joined the church.), but I often heard my grandmother, Wilma Britton, speak so kindly of “Elder Eyre”. I believe she kept in contact with him until her death a few years ago. Please tell your father thank you. Without him, my mom would not have been raised in the church, she would not have converted my father, and I would not have the lovely life I have today.
I have heard such great things about your book. I can’t wait to get my copy.
There’s nothing like time away to make you really appreciate being back. So glad you had that…and with your sisters! By the way, that picture of you girls is beautiful. I LOVE the mountains in the background!
Shawni bo bonnie, does our history together warrent a signed copy of your book? I want to pay for it, of course, (the book, not your signature, that’s just cause you love me) but I’m not sure how to best do it. Should I buy one online and mail it to you? And if everyone is askig you this and it’s giving you a big ol’ headache just ignore me.
Way to go!! I just watched you on Arizona Midday. You looked fabulous! Love all the photo tips. I am going to try them.
You are such a star! 🙂
Seriously Shawni, you are the greatest. Glad you had a good get away. You are a busy busy girl. I get tired just reading all the things you are up to. Just ordered myself my own mothers day present….your book. Also I will get your links on my blog soon. Anyway you always amaze me. And yes let’s totally get the girls together November sounds great. How pathetic that we have to plan that far away, wish we could get together sooner.
What a bunch of cute sisters–and your outfits are color-coordinated too! I hope my three girls can be great friends throughout their lives too. Oh, and I just love Stephanie’s comment. How cool is that?!!
Great to see you up in UT!!!!
It was so great to see you last week! Wasn’t it wonderful! The speakers, the music, friends/family, the abundance of spirit–so inspirational and motivating…..must go re-read my notes! Have a super day!