I love watching my little brothers be dads.2013-07-12 reunion 822572013-07-10 reunion 81491 2013-07-10 reunion 81708(and when they take care of each other’s kids too.)2013-07-11 reunion 81139 2013-07-10 kristi's bl 83695 2013-07-13 reunion 82672 Love those boys.


  1. I have to tell you THANK YOU for the beautiful pictures of Bear Lake. This year we chose to go to Bear Lake for a day trip while we were staying in Park City, UT…and it was ALL of my Family's favorite thing we did. We spent an entire day at the North Beach and drove around the whole lake and got Raspberry shakes.

    My entire family thanks you!

    Moeller Family
    Chris, Angie, and our 7 daughters

  2. I tried looking where I can write you a personal message but couldn't find it. anyway I was wondering how tall your girls are? have they always been really tall? and have they ever been embarrassed about it? My little girl is almost 4 but looks like a 6 yr old (my husband is almost 6'5) Everyone ALWAYS comments on how tall she is and it really annoys me. Someone today just said "you are a giant" now of course it doesn't affect her now but I fear that as she gets older and understands more those comments will affect her. Anyway just wanted to know if you experienced the same thing. my email is clm909@aol.com thanks so much, candince

  3. Oh Shawni, those pictures are so touching. Nothing like a good dad! I always tell my four girls how lucky they are to have their awesome dad.

  4. I have never commented on your blog before but I just adored these pictures.
    I have read your blog for some time now (from a little island off of Australia) and I thank you for the way you inspire me to be a deliberate mother.

    Kind regards,

  5. Bear Lake sounds like an absolute dream. I find myself looking forward to the pictures and stories every year! It is awesome to have a highlight every summer. In my childhood, my summer highlight was sleepaway camp with my best friends. Nowadays it is extended trips to the US every summer, visiting friends & family. (We live in Europe).

  6. These images are so beautiful. They are really captivating. They are lucky to have a photographer as their sister (and loving aunt).

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