An β€œelf-on-the-shelf,” for those who do not have children or who do not live in my corner of the desert where everyone and their dog has one, is a little elf that comes to stay at your house at Christmas-time. He magically goes to report to Santa each night how the children are doing and then returns the next morning to observe the family from a different spot in the house. (I am personally not the β€œelf-on-the-shelf” idea’s number one fan, which may sound blasphemous to some…sorry…). But still, somehow there he sits, day after day, making sure our kids are good. In my humble opinion, our elf must be Santa’s chief elf because he’s obviously getting up there in years. Isn’t that a good enough explanation as to why he doesn’t move every night?2012-12-14 winter 66035I mean, if we have a tooth fairy who leaves children waiting for an appearance as they sleep on those old teeth for months and months on end, I’m not sure why anyone would think that we would get a spry, on-the-ball elf. Claire doesn’t agree.  While most of her friends have elves that move every night and make all kinds of mischief, ours sits solemnly in one spot for a few days at a time. And she had quite enough of that. So that girl took it upon herself to jumpstart his interest in our family going-ons by writing him a note:2012-12-09 fall 65770 I’m not quite sure what the girlfriend question has to do with anything (I think one of her friend’s elves has a girlfriend?)  But luckily that little note kicked our elf into gear.  He must have some teenage reinforcements because he took the bait.2012-12-09 fall 65774 …and wrote a note back.2012-12-09 fall 657732012-12-15 holiday stuff 66502 Now he even has a name:  β€œLenny.”  Which is short for β€œlento” which apparently means β€œslow” in Spanish.  And although he may still be a little on the slow side, he sure moves a bunch more than he did. He was in the microwave with the syrup one morning, ready to read scriptures with us one morning and perched here to watch the kids practice on another fine day:2012-12-14 winter 66032Yep, sometimes you have to take elf matters into your own hands. Good job, Claire. Now to work on that tooth fairy…

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  1. LOL! I wish MINE had that excuse! He just showed up last year brand-spanking new.

    Sometimes he moves in the middle of the day while everyone is at school and I'm back in my office working. How he does that, the kids haven't figured out yet. They believe I'm a moron for not noticing him moving around while I'm at home. Guess I should pay more attention . . .

  2. I must live in outer space because this is the first year I found out about the whole Elf on the Shelf thing. πŸ™‚ I'm sure if we had one, it would be old too, as we have a very forgetful (or busy! I always tell the kids when we are both in horror at a new morning with no toothfairy visit that she/he must be really, really busy) toothfairy, too. What cute kids, young and old and what a fun story!

  3. Ours has a difficult time moving too, and never gets into any mischief (I told the kids he'd have to go back to the North Pole early if he made messes)! And our tooth fairy is forgetful too. Honestly, I think it helps to lessen the blow when they figure out the "truth" about these things.

  4. Shawni, you are hilarious! So funny. I have to say, I'm not a big Elf on the Shelf fan, either. It seems like Pottery Barn featured it, and overnight everyone is doing it. I personally think the mainstream elf looks super creepy. Not my kind of tradition.

  5. I like the wrinkles around your elf's eyes. We've never had one and won't start now that the youngest is 9. We already have so much going on. Darn! – Not! πŸ˜‰

  6. I'm glad to hear I am not the only one in love with the whole elf on the shelf idea. My oldest, who is six, has determined Santa forgot to send us one. or that ours is invisible. I just shrug. four kids 6 and under I don't need a mischievous elf to clean up after as well…

  7. I'm with you. I actually refuse to do the whole elf-on-the-shelf. I realize that I just don't have the time nor the energy for all the Christmasy time things I want to do. So, I focus what little energy I do have on what's most important – Christ. Anything else is icing on the cake.

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