So many people have asked about what those yellow things are on our cabinets around Easter time.
So I’ll tell you.
Years ago when we lived in Virginia, three little toddlers clinging to my legs, I was part of a “Family Home Evening group.”
What is that? you may ask. Well, it was a group of eight (or so) moms who made up all kinds of crafty things for Family Home Evening lessons in sets of eight (or so), a new topic each month.
We would bring our eight duplicate lessons and disseminate one to each of the other mothers when we met to exchange lessons each month. So we’d each go home with eight (or so) whiz-bang lessons to teach our kids things like “keeping the Sabbath day holy” and “stories of the New Testament” and “the beauty of service.”
Who has time to make laminated and creative lessons in multiple sets when you have babies crying and toddlers potty training and making mischievous messes??
That’s what I’d like to know!
But I was in, hook, line and sinker. And I still to this day have a whole file drawer full of those lessons (the ones weeded out through the years…initially I had a whole big tub full of them…but I digress and that’s a story for another day).
These yellow “Holy Week” outlines have adorned the walls of our house during Holy Week ever since then.
Each day of the week is laminated and each day we add the “events” that happened that day during “Holy Week.” I don’t have a list of all of them written out, but this link will take you to a list of all the events that you can make your own list from.
Instead of our regular scripture routine in the mornings the week before Easter we read the scriptural passage that goes along with that day (in that link above) and then put up each thing that happened that particular day. I just love having a visual reminder all week of all the important stuff to help us stay focused on the true meaning of Easter.
Is your daughter wearing a cast on her arm? What happened? Did I miss something?
P.S. Thanks for sharing the links. Looking forward to Easter. Happy Easter to your sweet sweet family, Shawni!
I love your weekplan for easter week! It inspired me to take some time to sit down with my daughter and talk about what happened this week.
I absolutely adore your blog! It inspires me to be more active in talking about the Christian message to my daughter. We do not attend church regularly but confess to christianity and live in a community that base much of our ethical rules on the bible. When I was a child we where more regular churchgoers. (Most people did back then.) Your writing inspires me to find little activities to incorporate our religion in our consumer society and busy living.
Thank you ever so much and lost of happy easter wishes to you and your family!
We have that same Easter lesson (from the same FHE group) that we love and use each Easter as well, although I never really thought to leave it up all week. I like that leaving it out would help them to keep it on their mind all week.
By the way, I have the Easter Symbols lesson (with the bunny and the eggs) digitized and on my FHE blog:
Yay! Thanks so much! I love it!
Love your blog and commitment to motherhood–go Shawni! Question: How does your family do morning devotions and prayers? Do you huddle together in a bedroom, around the kitchen island or table, etc? You always inspire me and I'd like to get better about regular morning devotions with my kids. Thanks.
Love this!
I just love having a visual reminder all week of all the important stuff to help us stay focused on the true meaning of Easter.