Easter weekend

Easter weekend

We marched into Easter weekend right on the tail of the wedding, so I was kind of grasping at straws to be prepared (gosh, my “one word” for this year: prepare, sure is a big one, and still so much work to do on that sucker). But you know what? Turns out you don’t actually…

Wisconsin perks

Wisconsin perks

When Lucy gets into something, she really gets into something. I’m not sure what got her on her Hamilton kick a couple years ago, but it’s been a long-lasting one. I honestly don’t think there’s been a day that’s gone by where she doesn’t have that soundtrack blasting in her room or in the kitchen….

Christmas Day 2018

It’s weird that nearly a month into January it already feels weird to write that “2018” up there in the title.  It’s like it was a century ago or something!   Christmas was a good one…I think 🙂  I still feel like I was in such a post-wedding-blur that I’m really, really glad I got pictures…

Easter 2017

The Easter Bunny pulled through with the string once again. This time Bo got her own string too… …which resulted in much glee from the girls…Bo being one of them.  She was so excited about that yarn she could hardly stand it and kept getting tangled up in everyone else’s until we had to just…

Christmas 2016

Santa found us. He left his squiggly writing like always, except this time it was even more authentic. (Remember my dad was in town visiting…) And not until 7:15 did we get woken up by their ruckus of caroling coming from this room: These girls were pretty excited. Here they are lined up to go…

Christmas 2015

I wrote about Christmas Eve (my very favorite part of Christmas) back HERE. But Christmas was pretty great too. Our biggest Christmas gift this year to our kids was that we packed up on Christmas Day and headed out on our last (last of the “lasts” 😉 family trip with Max. But Santa still found…