family snapshot 2015

For years I’ve done a “snapshot” in words at the beginning of each year (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) to describe how our family was running right at that moment in time. Because, well, it may go without saying that I am a little bit of a sentimental person. And a record keeper to a…

2014 snapshot

At the beginning of each new year I like to do a little “snapshot” of what’s going on around here. I know, like I need MORE record along with the thousands of pictures I take to document the going-ons of life in our neck of the woods.  But most of the stuff I write here…

2013 snapshot

I try to do a “written snapshot” of life as we know it in our family at the beginning of each year (the others are here and here and here).  Oh how I want to remember the richness of life right here, right now before this part of it slips quietly onto the next stage….

2012 snapshot

I have a problem. I have a horrible memory. That’s why I take pictures galore. If I have a snapshot of something, even if it’s just a portion of the event, all the details seem to come flooding back when I look back at it. For example, I was just telling Dave the other day…

2011 snapshot

I like to keep records. I’ve always been a journal keeper. I have about 25 of them chock-full of all the details of my life up ’til a few years ago. And from there I have a blog. I love to go back and remember the richness that has faded far into the corners of…

siblings “snapshot”

By the time this posts I will be knee-deep in laundry, unpacking, potty training Lucy, catching up on stake primary stuff, trying to stock up the fridge and dealing with tired kids. (I love the “scheduling” option on blogs.) But before the summer freedom draws to a close, (which it does early in the desert…August…

2010 snapshot

I want to start taking a little verbal “snapshot” of life at the beginning of each new year. I sort of did it last year here without actually conscientiously meaning to, but now I want to make it a tradition. I write a bunch of feelings and events on this blog, but I don’t write…