back to school

The evening before the beginning: The fixing of the cousin haircut fiasco: I cried just a little bit. …but tried to put on a happy face. Turn-out: better than I thought.  Love this girl. The first day The high school shift: Sophomore: Freshman: The elementary school shift 6th Grade: 3rd Grade: Kindergartener: Good friends: Traditional…

little things

Man alive, I need to get all the “little things” that have been going on lately written down before I can even start to get to documenting the end of school hoopla. Which, by the way, we are smack-dab in the middle of. And it is killing me.  Anyway, Elle and I have spent a…


Because of a unique string of incidences I found myself at lunch with my four girls on Good Friday. We don’t go out to eat much, so this was a rare treat (we were sad to be missing Max who was mowing the lawn…poor guy…but it meant that he got to miss out on Easter…

I love photo booth

I came across this picture the other day and laughed so hard.Check Claire out. Especially on the bottom left. Oh, and the bottom right. That makes my day. Photo booth is the best invention ever. …Aside from chocolate chip cookies.


First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I, for one, cannot believe it’s already another new year. And I’m excited about that little fact. Because I love new beginnings. I even have my 2012 “one word” all figured out (more about that later). And I’m happy that Christmas is over for one more year. Oh wait,…

Friday Q & A

Having children 15 months apart is so close, was it hard? Our family thinks we are crazy for wanting to try having kids again when our first is only 4 months – but my biological clock is a ticking and we want a family of 5 or 6 kids!! Did you guys plan the time…

San Francisco (part 1)

Ok so this is what happened: My sister Charity lives in San Francisco and she loves it. And when I say “loves,” I don’t mean she just thinks it’s pretty cool to be in an awesome city like that. I talking about serious “adoration-with-every-ounce-of-her-soul” kind of love. I’m pretty sure that’s the type of person…

“gatherer” (continued)

Ok so I need to clarify (from this post yesterday) that I do still believe in gathering and Dave and I will always try to provide a safe, uplifting environment in which our kids can feel comfortable bringing their friends but I just don’t know that I want to force the issue. I’ve noticed that…