

I forgot to write some of my favorite moments at Disneyland, and then I’ll quit talking about the darn trip. –Listening to Max and Elle assure Grace over and over and over again that Space Mountain is NOT scary and that she was going to LOVE it. She didn’t, but she was brave enough to…

Happy Birthday Shawni

I am hijacking Shawni’s blog to let everyone know: Top Ten great things I love about my lovely wife on her birthday. 10. Loyal partner and friend. It has been 12 1/2 years and still I have not heard her say anything bad about anyone else. Shawni truly looks at the best in everyone else….

little things

Little things make me smile. And sometimes (well, most of the time) I forget to write them down. Like how Lucy straightens her legs and points her toes (smooshing her totally chunky thighs together) when I lay her down to change her diaper or how Grace just has to do a little dance in front…


I’ve had a really tough time with guilt when shopping for my kids this season. Of course I want them to have a good Christmas. They are great kids. But somewhere inside me I’ve felt like there’s something seriously wrong with just going out and buying them “stuff” when there are so many kids who…

Grace “the nerd” ROCKS!

Grace scraped up her nose in a swimming pool a few weeks ago (just in time for our Christmas pictures). So she had to wear a band-aid to school for a couple days. Instead of being self-conscious and worried about appearing in front of her peers with a band aid plunked right in the center…

Thanksgiving run-down

Ok, so Thanksgiving festivities…before I forget what we did: My sister Saydi, her husband and two kids Hazel & Charlie came first. They stayed for a week and a half and we loved having them. I always get so inspired by those two. The kids had fun together…most of the time. Claire & Hazel have…


We had a good Sunday. We were only one minute late for church…as opposed to the usual ten…or fifteen. We’re making great strides. Plus, this sounds funny but this morning we played musical instruments for a long time and loved every minute of it. Max played his cello, Elle played the violin, Grace and I…

I love blogs

I do, I just love them. First of all, to me it’s very therapeutic to write down my thoughts. It’s like if I write them down they can stay put, there where I write them, instead of churning around in my head and I can think more clearly. Plus, if you’re frustrated and you write…