
Claire came home from school “sick” today. The sweet nurse called to tell me she had come to her office in a miserable mood. Stomach ache.A bad one. When Lu and I went to pick her up she was curled up in a ball on the nurse bed, definitely looking gloomy. So now she’s flitting…

Elle is ELEVEN

When Max was five months old I started feeling a little queasy. I couldn’t figure out why. Was I still catching up with all the adjustments of having a new baby? Was I not getting enough sleep with all the night-time feedings? Was I just plain sick and unable to kick it? I just felt…

cabin hopping

We’re gone. But before I get to all the new stuff going on I have to finish up some stuff from home. After we went to the ranch, Dave headed back to work and to take Max to basketball camp:…while the girls and I headed up to another friend’s cabin. It was just two other…

school work

Summer is whizzing by faster than I can keep up. We are trying to keep up with swim/dive team, summer goals, doctor visits and what we like to call “cabin hopping” up in the mountains (we are lucky enough to have some great friends with great get-away places…thank you SO much guys!). I have a…

summer so far

We’ve brought in summer with a bang. I just barely got my first chance to sit down and skim through the e-mails plugging up this computer. This was our day today: 5:00 a.m. — wake up with Dave’s alarm and feel glad I get to sleep longer instead of going with him to the gym…I’ve…

my “cause”

I don’t want to lop side this blog about Lucy or this book, but if I took a pie graph of the activities going on in life right now, these two things would take up a humongous chunk of it. So even though I’ve got stuff running through my head all the time about all…


When I had my big epiphany to “choose the best part” for this year I felt like I was choosing my family. I was committed to put my family before everything else. And it felt good. I had grand visions of what would happen after I made my first big “choice” this year: Take a…

Lucy. A BBS Diagnosis

Nothing can really prepare you to get a phone call from the geneticist telling you that your child has a really rare syndrome that will change her life, and that of your family’s forever…even if you and your husband already knew it in your hearts. And as much as we kind of knew it was…


After I crawled deliriously into bed at 12:23 last night Lucy promptly screamed her head off for no apparent reason from 12:28 a.m. until 3:07 a.m. this morning. Yep, that’s a little over 2 1/2 hours of pure, undiluted, high pitched screams (sorry neighbors!). It was pretty non-stop except for the 15 minutes I soaked…