Today I feel compelled to announce the “Power of Moms” motherhood photo contest going on right now. Here are my reasons:

1) This is my sister’s website and I love her and I think she’s got a good idea going on here.

2) Photos of Motherhood are, in my humble opinion, priceless. Something that catches a mother in action is almost sacred to me.


Well, let me tell you:

Motherhood is made and re-made. Each day it melds into something new. Some days we are hugging mothers when we notice the sweetness of our children and we can hardly stand not just kneeling down and hugging the guts out of those darling kids we call our own. On other days we are frustrated mothers as the toilet paper gets strewn through the house for the 536th time or the 17th spill takes place across the kitchen counter…and floor…full of juice…right after you mopped the floor. Some days we are tired mothers after too many nights of waking up all night with children or staying up too late to get things done after they those sleepy sweethearts are finally slumbering away in their beds. Some days we are thankful mothers and as we take a moment to watch the interactions of our kids our hearts swell up so much that it hurts. And in those still moments, once again, we are reminded that we have the ultimate, most amazing job that ever could be.

A photograph of motherhood bundles all those kinds of mothering moments together and will remind us forever of that moment in time. That particular moment that tomorrow will vanish and change into something new.

Yes, I love pictures of Motherhood. (I had to put in that last one because I love that rodeo guy Lu and I are standing by.)

So, in honor of Motherhood photos, have someone take one of you and your child/children today…even if you just hold up your camera yourself and take it or use a self-timer. (You’ll be glad you did.) And then send in any great photos you have to this contest.

But hurry because the deadline is Feb. 3rd (Wednesday).

And if just being inspired by thinking about motherhood pictures isn’t enough for a prize, what about the fact that they’re offering a FREE copy of “A Mother’s Book of Secrets” OR a free “Learning Circle” start-up kit. Hmmm. Pretty tempting!

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  1. shawni, i am loving all those mother photos especially the ones of you and your girls. You asked what camera i have. i still have the same old nikon D80. I'm trying to talk chad into upgrading but I'm like you… the canon is tempting me. Though the guy at tempe camera said Nikon has a higher quality pixel so they have less but theirs is better. I don't know. it all so confusing. i would love the video aspect too. though i think you can get that on the nikon D300s. Anyway my couch is from anthropologie. its the ditte sofa, i dont think they sell it anymore. I have a photography idea i wondered if you might be interested in. Email me if you want to know more.

  2. Shawni what cute pictures! I was just getting caught up on your blog…I love the post with all the old pictures of your cute mom! She is so pretty and I can't believe how much your kids look like you when you were little! I laughed at all your comments…like the one about the red sailor outfit your brother had on!
    Thanks for giving us that glimpse into your past. I think your kids are very lucky they will have your blog to read when they are older!

  3. I loved this post! I'm not a mother yet, but I am in awe for everything that it takes to be a mother, even more so a good mother. In college I wrote my final paper for my Art History class of "Motherhood and Spirituality". They go hand in hand.

    Thanks for telling us about the contest!

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