I’ve had so much fun doing photoshoots lately but I just can’t keep up with putting stuff on the blog. Here are a few more:
After six boys in a row…yes, that’s SIX, our friends finally had a baby girl. Can you tell how excited they are about it? If you saw the amount of pictures I took you’d see how excited I was about it too. I couldn’t get enough.
You can’t see too well in this picture unless you click on it, but the Dad gave the Mom and baby these beautiful bracelets with their names engraved on them.
You can tell all these boys completely adore their new baby sister. Especially since they endured being in so many pictures for her!
Most newborns are so sleepy and malleable when they’re barley a week old. Not this one! She was completely alert and awake the entire time. Not about to miss out on anything…
I can never get enough of baby feet. And other baby parts…especially when it’s the Dad holding them.
Then I took engagement pictures for one of my young women. Ok, so she’s not a “Young Woman” anymore, but she sure looks like it. Am I getting seriously old or do these guys look super, super young? …And cute of course.
And then I got to do a photoshoot for my friend’s website. She has started this amazing clip company. She designs all these clips and sells them to Nordstrom. I don’t think the new site with these pictures is up and running yet, but it’s JeanKate.com if you want to check out the clips on the old site. She recruited a bunch of girls for the shoot and these are some of my favorite shots. Beware, there are a lot of them!
Shawns, I love that first one. The colors stand out so well and her hair looks amazing. How much of that was done ‘in camera’ and how much did you have to do in editing?
Shawni- you are so talented @ what you do, I can’t wait to see the cd!
I don’t know what else to say that I haven’t already. You have a gift. Those shots are amazing.
I’m so impressed with anyone who would try for one more after 6 boys!! I’m so happy for them.
I LOVE all the clips in your pictures. I’m going to check out the site RIGHT NOW!
Beautiful photos! I think the first one is my favorite as well 🙂
Such gorgeous shots! Do you use a flash for your indoor photos? You get such a great natural look on all the ones I’ve seen indoors.
Oh my gosh, my eyes filled up with tears when I saw those 6 boys and their new baby sister! Fantastic shots Shawni.
Shawni, O am so excited for out pictures to get done. I love the ones you’ve done.
I bow down to your friend that has 7 kids. I would love love love to have 4 more kids…..it’s the pregnancys that I can’t do so many.
I would love to see that baby girl in about ten years she is going to be awesome with all those big brothers!
Can I come hang with Lucy? I am all about the mamba jamba…in case you couldn’t tell from my last comment!
I LOVE all your photos. You have such TALENT! Wow. The ones of all the boys around their precious little sister- so wonderful. I have 5 brothers of my own and no sisters, so it made me smile thinking about all the boys in my life. What a lucky little girl to have so many big brothers to look out for her.
The clips are darling! I too am going to have to check out the site. So fun to see Elle in the shots too. She’s so beautiful.
Great job!!
Love all those adorable kids! Shawni you are the bomb! I might sneak into young womens this week to get some photography tips. Sadly I am on their level. You are awesome!
Love the clips! I make very similar flower ones for my girls. Or used to anyway. But they won’t keep them in and it drives me crazy because we lose them everywhere!
These pictures are beautiful…if only there was a way that I could follow you around on your photo shoots and be your apprentince… if only I could sit right next to you while you edit them…I would be so lucky! It would be a thrill if my husband ever has time to make it to Arizona with us to have you photograph our family. I may just have to skip the whole family thing and schedule one for my girls just so I could see you in action!
I love, love, love the pictures of the boys and their new baby sister. We’re planning on having 5 children, but I promised my husband that if we have 5 girls (which he is convinced is going to happen) that we could try once more for a boy. But 7? I don’t think I’m that good of a wife! 🙂
You truly are talented! Thank You so much for that cd. Those pictures are adorable! I couldn’t even pick a favorite. Thanks again!