Have you ever had a moment that changed your trajectory? A little slice of time where somehow your vantage point changed and the world came into focus because of something someone said or did?

Last weekend my friend brought up a conversation about that. She talked about this story, which includes this Ted Talk:

Maybe you’ve already heard of this “lollipop moment” deal, because when I googled it all kinds of things came up, but it was new to me and I have been thinking about it so much ever since.

I mean, this guy made this huge impact on this girl and he never even realized it. Until one day when she sought him out and told him so.

After my friend shared the concept another friend shared some of her own “lollipop” moments. A moment years ago when someone told her a story about how her [then] future husband changed his trajectory at a pretty pivotal time in his life, (a pretty powerful story), and that story was pivotal in her decision to marry him.

It made me think of a story my Dad told me when I was a teenager. It was the story of Marilyn Hovey, the most beautiful girl in his high school, who was picked as prom queen. She had the opportunity to chose anyone she wanted for the “first dance” and she chose a kid who wasn’t in the popular crowd she was part of. She chose someone who perhaps really needed that boost more than anyone else. And they smiled and danced and maybe she never thought about it again after that night. But my Dad did. It was a powerful example to him of reaching out of our own comfort zones to make other’s know that they matter. And that they belong.

Marilyn could have no idea my dad would be telling her story to his future kids, and that they would be telling it to theirs. It’s been probably sixty years and that story still inspires me to reach out better and with more love.

It also made me think of a girl who wrote Claire the sweetest text after she didn’t make it on the cheer team in junior high. It came in right when Claire needed it most and somehow it impacted not only Claire, but also her mother and we both still think about it all the time years later.

It made me think so much about the things we do that we may never realize can change someone for the better. Little things like standing up for someone or a simple love-filled text that. Sometimes the little things matter much more than the big things. It made me think of the people who have changed my life for the better in small and simple ways.

I love that at the end of the TED talk the guy asks:

“Who in your life has influenced or impacted you in a way that changed your life, your perspective, your career, your health, the way you see the world?”

“Have you let them know?”

I need to do better at that.

Anyway, just a few thoughts for a Tuesday morning.

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  1. Shawni many of your posts inspire me to want to be better. You are a wonderful example to all who read your blog. What a wonderful example you are to your Relief Society sisters in your ward. You are a wonderful example to your family & friends! You are just a wonderful person with a huge heart!

    1. Aw Tammy, thank you for your kindness. I have all kinds of things to work on, and all the failures don’t come through as much on the blog, but I sure am trying! Thanks so much for that sweet comment.

  2. I truly think you did for me!!!
    I implemented so so many of advice, tips, traditions over the years. When I was thick in the trenches I would savour every blog post and write notes . We did the Thanksgiving tree, dyed Easter eggs, did heart attacks, we did Saturday chores, we had them do so many things , I felt like a better mom!!!
    So thank YOU!!!its crazy how my oldest is turning 18!!

    1. Oh man, thank you Heidi! I sure hope that anything I put on here will help other moms feel like “better moms” because we all need that! And exciting on having a true adult in the family coming up!

  3. Ahh I love this! It’s such a good reminder.

    I know I’ve commented this before, but “I am a Mormon” ad was one of those moments for me! I don’t even remember how I stumbled upon it one late night in my laptop in college. It then led me to your blog and after spending hours reading over the following days, I remember distinctly thinking that you were such a great example. I watched some of the April 2011 general conference a few days later, contacted the missionaries and eventually after some time, converted to the gospel. All that started exactly 10 years ago this week.

    Thank you for sharing your light.

    1. Oh my goodness yes I remember you, Ciara, and I love that all of that was exactly ten years ago! I’m so grateful you found the missionaries and that you found the gospel. I hope it has changed your life as it has changed mine in so many countless ways. Sending you lots and lots of love!! And also, I’m so excited for conference this weekend!
      Love, Shawni

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