We are one of those crazy families who do a family picture every single year during our reunion, no matter how much we grow and no matter how many babies we have to bribe to look at the camera.  I love capturing the moment in time that will be gone before we know it.
Saydi and I were in charge this year.  Here’s a lighting test at a place close-by the cabin.

Little did we realize when Saydi was snapping away with her hand-held little remote that there would be a big green sun-spot on Jared’s face…see him there on the right?

Shoot.  We took a ton like that.  Here’s one where we squished together and you can see him better:

Oh boy I love those guys.
After the big picture we always do individual families.  

Saren and Jared (without the green sunspot:) and their five:
They are the only Eyres to still live in Utah (Ogden) and they love it.  Saren blogs here and runs Power of Moms…if you haven’t checked it out, you should.  It is a pretty golden motherhood site.
I’m next in the line-up:

…and I’m quite sure that more than enough is said about us here!

Next is Josh who lives in the desert close-by to where we live and is the most amazing uncle and teacher ever.

Then there’s Sayds and Jeff who live in Boston and we keep trying to recruit them to the West.

More about Saydi and her family HERE.
Next is Jonah who is galavanting all over Europe having a pretty unique adventure with his family.  The video they sent to us at the reunion is here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/8syo3sksx6b4uf9/EUROPEVIDEO.mp4?dl=0
Tal married Anita from Switzerland (their beautiful NYC wedding is HERE).  They lived in NYC for a few years always with a goal to some day live back in Anita’s gorgeous home-land and finally made it a reality this year.  So happy for them and also extra happy that they could still make it to the reunion from so far away.

Then there’s Noah and Kristi who live in California.

I have to put in this one too to show a little  more of their personalities 🙂

Oh I sure love them.  The story of that darling baby girl and her pretty miraculous heart is over HERE.
Eli and Julie are next:

They are the one we just visited in NYC (here) and also recruited to join us in Japan for Thanksgiving (here) and also the ones who had little baby Dean a few months ago that no one can quite get enough of up here at Bear Lake.

Last but not least is Charity who married Ian this year and took quite an amazing trip around the world.  Read about it on here blog here.

I just love all these people more than I can say.  I learn so much from them every time I’m around them.  So grateful for this model of family and Dave’s too that we get to base our own family around as we are on the continual quest to “Love More.”

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One Comment

  1. I love your family posts. They warm my heart but I find myself jealous. My mother is dead. My father has disappeared from my life to live with his new wife. I have no siblings except a half brother who I never got along with and lives half away across the world. I am 32 and single. Never been married and no children. The loneliness sometimes is so suffocating. My mother was my world and her death has left a void that is just so, unbearable. I grew up in the church, I joined when I was 11 and attended alone. NOne of my family were members. but I left 9 years ago. Bless your beautiful fam. I have loved watching your children grow up. I pray that one day I can marry into a family just as yours
    and somehow let my heart feel warmth again. Instead of all this bitterness.

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