the beginning

It’s difficult to know where to start documenting a trip that was filled with so much.  So many emotions.  So much movement.  So much preparation.  So much gratitude.  But I have to start somewhere so I’ll start with the prep.  Because I don’t ever want to forget how much work and hand-wringing goes into a…

full. thoughts on a Monday morning and an African adventure service idea

Our whole family was together this last weekend. Does it look like we were happy about that? It was like a little miracle and it felt like everything was just right in the world. Which is weird because life was swirling around like nobody’s business.   The business that brought the gathering was my niece’s wedding. …

November 2015 little things — Max home and lots of holiday hoopla

Ok, buckle in because a lot happened in November.  I’ve already written a bunch in other posts, but here are some stragglers. Some are not actually “little things” like the fact that Max came home for a week.  I wrote about how I felt about that back HERE, but didn’t get to all the best…

Max’s birthday

Clear back on June 3rd.  (His actual birthday post is back HERE.) I figure I better get on the ball and post these pics since we have another birthday coming up tomorrow. This is a total blurry picture but I had to post it.  Claire made a little scroll with the chant his volleyball team…

let’s pretend…

…that I wasn’t too lazy to carry around my big camera the night before we left for India. OR that iPhones take better pictures in the dark. ‘Cause I loved the night before we left…and the only thing I had to capture it with was that little iPhone of mine. You know how sometimes there’s…

little things

At the beginning of each school year I have what I like to call my “honeymoon stage” with our new schedule.  It’s when all the hustle and bustle of the “extracurricular monster” has yet to work his sneaky fingers into all the nooks and crannies of life and we mosey along smoothly getting to what…


When Dave and I decided we were going to make India happen, (all the India posts are back here), Dave made sure that as long as we were going to be on the other side of the planet, we may as well stop-over somewhere he’s always wanted to go en route back home: Phuket, Thailand….