I mentioned we put together a sentimental birthday gift for the women in our church congregation this year. And I also talked about how my church calling changed, as well as the alignment of our ward. All kinds of emotions in that post so I’ll spare you the details here. I’m here today just to talk about the gift. Because I had lots of questions about it.

This is what it was:

It is a bracelet in the shape of a “horseshoe” because we loved Brooke Romney‘s thoughts about how horseshoes never close. (My friend, who makes all kinds of jewelry, was able to get these for us with her wholesale license.) We figured that bracelet could be a symbol as a reminder. We used those thoughts (with Brooke’s permission) for our card. This is one side:

And this is the inside:

(I just whipped up those cards on Canva…I love Canva!)

You see, our theme for the year was “Everyone Belongs,” and Brooke’s thoughts matched so perfectly with what we wanted to convey:

Horseshoes never close. They let others in. They make room for “everyone to belong.”

Well, we made up lots of those to pass out and told the women about them. We them out to each woman on her birthday and all was fine and dandy…

…Until our ward boundaries got all messed up.

And that theme seemed to be even more relevant since we were all getting switched around and needed to keep our “horseshoes” open more than ever!

An opportunity to give love after the realignment

Some of the women texted in hopes that they would still get this symbolic little gift, and of course, we were still going to give them out.

It gave my presidency and I a really good opportunity to gather together again and put together the rest of the wrappings.

Friends putting together the bracelets and wrapping them up
Shawni with her friends from the past Relief Society presidency

Love those good women forever!

I wrote a little note to go with the ones we were delivering:

a sentimental bracelet packaged with an extra note, ready to deliver

Organized them into neighborhoods:

notes and bracelets ready to deliver

And we had a little “delivery party.”

the relief society smiling in the car while making bracelet deliveries

Driving around together and dropping them off on doorsteps.

gift on the porch

The new Relief Society president in my now current ward wanted to continue with these gifts, so we kept the ones in our new boundaries for her to hand out…and add to with all the new people we’ve gathered.

Anyway, just wanted to share since I love the horseshoe message so much, especially right now. (Thank you Brooke!)

I wear my bracelet all the time, and I’m so grateful for the reminder that everyone belongs. Always.

May we all keep our horseshoes open and let others come and go as we love and lift. We have such power as women to nurture and build and give the benefit of the doubt. And that’s such a beautiful thing!


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  1. Oh my goodness, this is so full of goodness Shawni! What a great idea to make people feel not only loved but to feel the responsibility to love and include others. Incredible!

  2. What a lovely thing to do. x

    By the way, the subscription thing still isn’t working. When I sign up I don’t receive an e-mail in my in-box to click on. It hasn’t worked properly for about a week now.

    1. I forgot to add this to the post, so I will, but I’ll answer here too. My friend who makes all kinds of jewelry and has a wholesale license was able to get them for us. I’m sure you could google some on amazon and find some good ones, especially if you’re not trying to do it in bulk. I know Brooke Romney has a horseshoe necklace that goes with her thoughts: https://brookeromney.com/best-gifts-stocking-stuffers-women/

  3. That is so touching I just got a little teary eyed reading that. You are such a good person and role model. I wish I personally knew people like you and your friends!

  4. You are just the sweetest of the sweet Always spreading kindness!
    I tried clicking on the link for the bracelets, but I only saw necklaces on the website.
    I do hope that they restock after you give them a shoutout! xo

  5. Is there a way to get the cute card you made in canva without the 71toes imprint on it? We are going to do this same gift for our RS sisters for 2025 birthdays. It is such a wonderful sentiment, we all loved it.

    1. My friend ordered these from her jewelry company (she makes wholesale jewelry). So sorry because I’m not sure that helps!

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