Seven years ago my baby was born. …with six toes on one foot.
…and a much-awaited-for smile that could melt your heart.
She still gets these big tears:
..and still looks like this every now and again:
But oh how little we could know that day seven years ago what joy she would bring to our family.
Nor how much a mothers’ heart could worry.
Her feistiness will give anyone a run for their money:
Her siblings could not adore her more.
And her sweetness has gradually enveloped her tantrums.
I love her beauty blue eyes.
I love how she sees the world and expresses it through her art. I love how she looks when she puts on her glasses…face all scrunched up to get them on right. I love how she says things like “whatevs” and an incredulous “seriously?” I love the noise of complete glee she makes when she opens gifts. I love that she loves schedules and order. I love how she says “hello.” I love how she and Dave say “goodnight” to each other when he puts her to bed: “guniiiiiiiiiiiiiet Lucy!” real loud from the hallway after he closes her door. “guniiiiiiiiiiet Daddy!” she yells back. And I can tell from her voice she has a big smile stretched across her face while she says it. I love that she has learned to look at people in the eye, and how she maneuvers her face and mouth to express what she’s trying to say. I love that she has to give me a kiss before she goes to Primary each Sunday. I love how she sings, and what an amazing imagination she has with all her “guys.” (an example here) But most of all I love that she’s mine. And that she teaches me things every day. Love you sweet Lucy. Forever and ever.
Just a couple things.
1. How in the world do you look sooooo gorgeous after JUST giving birth!
2. I LOVE your hair in the pic with Lucy!
Just Sayin:)
this are the sweetest photographs ever!
Happy Birthday sweet Lucy! We love you!
This post made me laugh and cry! Happy birthday Lucy!
happy happy birthday Lucy!! You are so special, and you bring joy to so many people xoxoxox
I love Lucy from afar (North Carolina)! Happy BDay to your precious gift of a girl!
Oh, and I adore that picture of her with the little pigtails!
Beautiful! I love when you post "old" pictures of your girls–I am always so taken back by how much they look like each other at different stages. Happy Birthday, Lucy!!
Aw such cute pictures!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Lucy
Oh how we love that girl! Those chubby cheeks are one of my favorite things in the world! Happy Birthday little sweetheart!
Happy Birthday Lucy! I love your artwork. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us.
Happy Birthday, Lucy. Through your wonderful mommy so many of us have been given a glimpse of you and all your family. Thank you for sharing with us, Shawni. Many more birthdays and blessings for you, sweet Lucy. 🙂
THAT'S what you look like post-delivery? Tan, beautiful, gleaming white smile? In Lucy's word, seriously?!?! I look like I've been dragged out of a dumpster in Hoboken. Happy Birthday to Lucy! May she have her cake and eat it too 🙂
Aww, such sweet memories in those photos. Happy Birthday Lucy!
I LOVE your short haircut!!! It was so cute!! And Happy Birthday Lucy!! She's just precious!!!
Danika, thanks for a laugh today! I was thinking the same thing but you summed it up much better and funnier! I do not look even decent after having a baby and she is gorgeous!
U know how to soften somebody's heart even when it s not about that somebody's own life and about that somebody's own child. Beautiful words…
Of all those pics, I love the one of her scrunched up crying face It kills me with cuteness!
Happy birthday lucy!! Shawni i love your hair short in that picture. The little bob, so cute!
What a dolly-girl! So cute!!! Happy birthday Lucy!
Happy Birthday to your sweet Lucy! She is adorable!
You didn't do the Mommy and Daddy kiss on each cheek pic!
Happy Day, Lucy!
We love Lucy up here in Northern Alberta!! Beautiful pics!
Happy Birthday Lucy! We hope you got some new 'Guys' XOX