Well, I guess that last post totally confirms the fact that despite Dave’s rugged, handsome, chiseled appearance with his “no nonsense” attitude he’s really a total softie at heart. (I’m trying to embarrass him back a little.) AND, despite what we may have all thought, he’s an excellent computer hacker….well, that may have had a teeny bit to do with my brother Josh who is a whizzbang computer mastermind. Anyway, thanks babe. That was very very sweet. And that was even after I showed you my wrinkles magnified in my new “wrinkle magnifier” mirror I bought myself for my birthday! Now that’s love. I am one lucky girl to get you. Thanks for making it such a great day.
Thanks everyone else for all the incredibly kind comments, birthday notes, gifts, treats, etc. That made my day, (which was needed after examining the wrinkles!)
if only I needed a mirror to find my wrinkles…
Shawni, it was so good to hear from you. I wish I had your email address so I could write my update in an email rather than on a comment of your blog! So I tried to choose one with the fewest comments! If this communication continues (which it is going to because 99.9% chance we are moving there and I have plenty of questions for you!) then you will have to give me your email address. Just for now, mine is teddy.elder@gmail.com. Okay so anyway, Yes! I think we are going to be coming down there for school! The decision has been tough between Ohio and AZ, but AZ has won the pros and cons! So if you come accross any cute apartments either in Gilbert or Mesa let me know! I’m serious about that! I have no idea even where to look! Brock and his wife (Jenny Bunnell who you probably remember from the old neighborhood) just moved down to Buckeye a few weeks ago for a job Brock took. So it would be fun to have them down there. My family is doing fabulous! My mom and Monty are so great! They’re wonderful, and my mom is so great starting all over being an elementary school mom again after being all done for awhile! (Have you seen Matthew before?) He is the best kid in the world. Joe is in college! I know ya, hard to believe! He has been going to UVSC and is working up at Alta skiing a lot! He leaves for his mission in August. He is HUGE! You would die if you saw him. Taylor and Keri are both working and graduating, probably going to start popping out babies soon! They are moving out to the development Daybreak in South Jordan (where my dad and Crystal live as well). My mom and Monty are building a home up in Midway too, it’s going to be such a fun house. Our family’s just getting too big! Okay, I’m going to stop writing b/c I know this is a “comment” so give me your email address and I will continue b/c I would love to ask you some things about AZ! Talk to you soon! Teds