Remember this app I talked ago a while back?
I am loving it.
Each day there is a new beautifully outlined thought from the weekly “Come Follow Me” program.
There are also all kinds of links if you want to go deeper into your study.
Each day there is a 2-minute devotional from someone new.
And today, that “someone new” is me:)
I got to record a little devotional telling my story of this picture I took years ago:
The light and the darkness all mixed together.
SO go listen if you get a minute:)
In one of my recordings I was totally teared up thinking about how God carries us.
How He sees the big picture when we cannot.
(Don’t worry, I didn’t turn that one in!)
But I am just so grateful for the knowledge (that I have to remind myself of often), that God knows.
He has a bigger perspective than we do.
Reminds me of this quote I was so touched by recently in a Richard Rohr meditation:
“The enfleshment and suffering of Jesus reveals that God is not apart from the trials of humanity. God is not aloof. God is not a spectator. God is not merely tolerating human suffering or instantly just healing it. God is participating with us in it. Living it alongside us and with us. That is what gives us eternal purpose and hope. Like Job, we sometimes feel as if our flesh is being torn off and yet we do not die (Job 19:26). Through encountering the Living God in our pain, we can experience another kind of life, another kind of freedom.”
I love the description of our “flesh being town off and yet we do not die.” I have been there and I am aware of many who are there now. How I hope to be able to help lift in some way. But I also love that it says God doesn’t instantly heal, but He is PARTICIPATING with us.
Living it alongside us.
He is carrying us through until we can see that “big picture,” the light and darkness all combined.
Sending love to everyone out there wading through the darkness. As well as those on the vistas.
Remember you are creating your own beautiful picture.