…we have a new one in our family.
During Family Home Evening, while bathed in the glow of light coming from the kitchen window and surrounded by a crowd of cheerleaders, Lucy decided it was time to start swimming.
…for seven hours on a plane with this girl starting at 5:30 am tomorrow. Say prayers for me! …and everyone else on the plane…
Sitting in church on Sunday Lucy passed me over the notebook where she had been diligently writing some notes. She wanted me to read her thoughts. So I did. They…
Last weekend, in the midst of all the Nationals and prom hoopla, Lucy had her own big things going on. I promise we don’t always have things to get dramatically…
Note to self: Doctor appointments with this girl are not fun.Oh wait, I already knew that. I just thought that maybe she’d grown out of the screaming-while-the-doctor-is-trying-to-tell-you-super-important-stuff thing. I was…
My family is grumpy. The kind of grumpiness that comes from a mixture of way too many late nights in a row, being homesick for your own bed and your…
i just LOVE how encouraging you are of Lucy!! could you post more videos of your family? youre a wonderful family.
She is SO SO stinkin CUTE! I just want to SQUEEZE her!
And I LOVE how supportive the other kids are. I HOPE my kids will be that supportive of each other when they are older.
What fun! Congratulations on learning to swim, Lucy! What a great accomplishment!
Lucy, We do hard things!!!!!
Great job!
So lovely! Well done Lucy!!! And I love how supportive all the kids are of her.
Go Lucy! That is awesome! Does she give lessons? 🙂 Collin is still content just hanging out on the steps.
way to go Lucy. Clever girl x
That illusion!. There are some pretty pictures and moving.
Congratulations to the brave Lucy.
My favorite part was all the cheerleaders. Precious.
This is adorable! Lucy is so brave to do that. Congrats Lucy! You will never be stopped now.
Hurray hurray for Lucy!! She swims better than I do! 🙂
yay! I bet that makes you feel so much better to have them all swimming now. LOVE how encouraging the other kiddos are with her 🙂
I was wondering if you could point me to the site where your video is again? My brother is going through a hard time and I wanted him to watch some of those videos because I think they are inspiring. In fact, if you know of one in particular to point out for me, that would be great! He is going through a very rough divorce that he doesn't even want and 4 children in the mix and so much more…are there any of the videos that you think would be inspiring to him?! thanks so much!
tara pakosta
ok. I'm going to cry. This is just all so sweet. Her family all gathered around her, SO excited and cheering her on. Her steady, calm Father in the background "head in the water", her confident self after emerging from the water she just dominated. It's all so, so awesomely wonderful.
I love this video. I love how much love it was there surrounding her.
S, I have been reading a book that is nothing short of spectacular. And, I thought I'd suggest it to you. I have read many of the ones you cite on here and thought that I should suggest this great book.
It's an academic book, but so thought provoking…
Here is the Amazon link to it. My local library has it and I imagine yours might too. Worth every penny.
Totally made me cry!! How sweet.
Hooray Lucy! We are so excited for her!!!
This is Madison Whitlock. Lucy is sooo cute! I loved how all of her siblings were there cheering her on.