…we have a new one in our family.

During Family Home Evening, while bathed in the glow of light coming from the kitchen window and surrounded by a crowd of cheerleaders, Lucy decided it was time to start swimming.

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  1. shawnie,
    I was wondering if you could point me to the site where your video is again? My brother is going through a hard time and I wanted him to watch some of those videos because I think they are inspiring. In fact, if you know of one in particular to point out for me, that would be great! He is going through a very rough divorce that he doesn't even want and 4 children in the mix and so much more…are there any of the videos that you think would be inspiring to him?! thanks so much!
    tara pakosta

  2. ok. I'm going to cry. This is just all so sweet. Her family all gathered around her, SO excited and cheering her on. Her steady, calm Father in the background "head in the water", her confident self after emerging from the water she just dominated. It's all so, so awesomely wonderful.

  3. I love this video. I love how much love it was there surrounding her.

    S, I have been reading a book that is nothing short of spectacular. And, I thought I'd suggest it to you. I have read many of the ones you cite on here and thought that I should suggest this great book.

    It's an academic book, but so thought provoking…

    Here is the Amazon link to it. My local library has it and I imagine yours might too. Worth every penny.


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