2024 Snapshot
Since it’s April I better get my booty in gear and get our “2024 Snapshot” published! I like to do this at the beginning of each year so I can…
Since it’s April I better get my booty in gear and get our “2024 Snapshot” published! I like to do this at the beginning of each year so I can…
I always do a “snapshot” of how each new year looks right at the beginning. Because I like to hold onto memories like nobody’s business. And here we are already…
Yow, here we are for our 2021 snapshot of how life is right here, right now. Down to the four of us living at home. I think it’s pretty amazing…
I do this little “snapshot” of what life is like at the beginning of each year. There’s something about just capturing a “moment in time” that I love. So I’ve…
Each year I write a “family snapshot”…just some notes on how life is going in that little “snapshot” of time right then. So I’m a little late for 2019, but…
For years I have written up a “family snapshot” at the beginning of the year. I have a lot of “snapshots” of images here on the blog, but years…
For years I’ve done a “snapshot” in words at the beginning of each year (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) to describe how our family was running right at that moment…
I have a problem. I have a horrible memory. That’s why I take pictures galore. If I have a snapshot of something, even if it’s just a portion of the…