high school football season
Normally I wouldn’t take a whole blog post to write about football season, but seriously, I have no choice in the matter when there is as much hoopla surrounding it…
Normally I wouldn’t take a whole blog post to write about football season, but seriously, I have no choice in the matter when there is as much hoopla surrounding it…
Ok, now that all that college-drop-off-hoopla-excitement-tears are documented (but far from over…I still can’t go near his room without weeping but it is so fun to talk to him when…
After all this travel back here I met up with these two in Ohio: … to watch a whole bunch of this: When you have five kids it’s like a…
Why is it that a lot of superstition comes out in sports? Is it just that you want something to hold onto as you hope for the very best outcome?…
Tennis season is over. Volleyball not yet (state starts this weekend). Oh boy it’s been a crazy season, and a really great one too. I’ve sprinkled pictures of…
I was talking to my friend the other day who was telling me all the ins and outs of cheerleading and track and field (things her daughter is involved in)….
I’m trying to keep some semblance of order to my recording and get to the end of China before I jump into Christmas and New Years, so here we go……
We had quite the volleyball season this year. It started out a little rough. Everyone was getting situated with the new-ness of a new coach, a new team without all…
We have been pretty good about memorizing a new saying or scripture each week as part of our whiz-bang money system (back here). We haven’t really included Lucy in the…