We totally, 100% lucked out that my brother and his wife (Tal and Anita) who live in NYC happened to be coming to town right when Dave wanted to come meet me for my last hurrah with American Mothers in D.C. (back here). 
Well, you could call it “lucking out” or sad news since we missed being with them much of the time, but the happy part is that we somehow cajoled them into staying with our kids for a couple days.  
As you can imagine, our kids were over-the-moon about that little fact.  
Especially since they have added a baby to the mix and become parents since the last time we saw them.
(I was dying that our flights crossed each other mid air and I didn’t get to meet her until we got home.)
Tal and Anita are the two who quit their jobs and took like a nine month honeymoon after they got married a few years ago in order to do pure third-world humanitarian service. (Much more about that on their travel blog but you kind of have to start reading clear back here where it all began if you want the whole story.)
They were coming to town for a board meeting for Care for Life, an amazing organization they volunteered for in Africa.  
Anita was mostly the one who had to be at the meetings, so Tal hung with our kids when they needed him and Anita joined him when the meetings were through.
Tal is an amazing story-teller.  He can keep the kids spellbound for hours if he had the energy for it. 

He inspired me to start up on our “Mirror Land” stories we used to tell, which the kids are loving…we have him to thank for that (even though his stories are much, much better).

Even though we got home in time enough to hear the stories before we tucked the kids in bed, we didn’t get to meet my new sweet little niece until early, early the next morning on our way to take them all the the airport to leave us again.

Oh how I loved meeting that baby.  She kind of made me cry.  I wish I would have had more time with her!

But alas, I have to wait til this summer.  I sent them off with so much gratitude in my heart for their love and service to our family.

Sure love you guys!

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  1. I couldnt find your email address to email you, but I was wondering how to purchase the nature prints in your sidebar. The link isnt working.

  2. Ok their baby is adorable!!! Almost made me cry & i've got a 10 month old baby. She pretty much makes me cry all the time though with how cute she is ๐Ÿ˜€ So lovely that you guys have such wonderful family to help you out & that you don't take it for granted but are so grateful for it!

  3. CARE FOR LIFE!!! I love this organization. It was started by my aunt and uncle and I have had the opportunity to go to Mozambique with them twice. It is an amazing country and a great non profit! Now I've got to go stalk Tal and Anita's blog and see if she has posted pictures from her experience there.

  4. gorgeous baby, want those cheeks:) The stories reminds me of my kid's aunt. She tells amazing SuperRabbit stories, and the voices! lol seriously.

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