There is always a lot of whirlwind activities right around the end of school.  It is weird that even without a graduate it still seems crazy.  Here are a few highlights from the end of the school year:
We celebrated the fact that Claire is a Golden Scholar (GPA of 3.8 and above).  There were a LOT of 7th and 8th grade kids who took that honor (I think the principal said almost 400 out of 800 students…not too shabby!), so we were packed in that gym like sardines to watch them get their certificates.

And I know I’m biased, but to me it sure seemed that Claire’s sparkle sure stood out:)

 Love all these cute kids who light up her world at school:

 And these sisters who were there to support.  I love Lucy in this pic:

 Man alive these girls sure love their sister!

Grace worked her tail off the end of the semester on homework and was in this position a bunch 🙂

And we also went to the big Student Council parent/student meeting and got pretty hyped up for her role in the Student Council next year.  She’s going to be working with a great group of kids and is going to be so great in there as she learns so much.

The only picture I got was this on our way out:

That meeting made me fall in love more with our high school.  You get so endeared to a place that affects your kids as much as high school does.  Sure it has it’s problems, but as we were listening to the school song I sure felt happy that my kids get to be a part of that.

Grace is a school spirit kind of a girl, so she’s going to add some great spirit to that school I tell you 🙂

I spent some good time at the elementary school those last few days…

…helping the 4th grade tie-dye t-shirts for All-American Day:

Creating an art bulletin board to show off one of our art masterpiece projects from the year for the annual “Art Walk” display:
The “art walk” is the same night as yearbook signing and the families can go around and enjoy the art the kids have created through the year (one project is put out for each class). 
Although it was tough to choose, we chose to display the art work we did based on Raoul Dufy.

 Loved what the kids created inspired by him.

I got to sit by Lu in her classroom since they were having lunch in there (I guess on “all-American Day” hot dogs are in order), after I finished the board.

The end of the school year was kind of tough in the Lucy realm.  Each year things get a little more complicated with trying to figure out how to best help her.  Those kids are so sweet to her, and even more so after we had our little talk explaining her syndrome (back HERE), but their interests keep diversifying and hers stay very much the same, her eyesight is dwindling and sometimes her understanding of things is tricky.  Sometimes I think she may need help learning to express herself better in order to keep up and also to keep her emotions in tact.  I watched her sitting alone and we had a good moment with our foreheads pressed together, love spilling back and forth between us right there in that classroom.  Oh man I’m lucky to be her mother.

She had a big end-of-school “cereal box book report” that she was SO excited about.  She talked about it pretty much non stop.  They had to read a book and somehow transform the theme into a cereal that they did a little skit for, and also made the cereal box into the summary and review.

She had some of her best friends come help with the skit that Dave recorded and was the narrator for.  Seriously it was the cutest thing.  I don’t know where it ended up so I’m not posting it, but here’s the little narration Lucy wrote out:

 …and her beloved box:

And then, just like that, the school year ended, and I now have 5th, 8th and 11th graders…and two college kids.


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  1. We have done a good bit of therapy at our house, learning how to process emotions. It's been so beneficial. A good therapist is worth gold! Maybe it would help Lucy. ADD, dyslexia, and a high dose of intuition that is hard to handle at a young age were a few of our driving factors.

  2. I have a boy who feels things deeply and has big emotions. He's been chatting with the social worker at the school who he loves (he's a cool young male) and it's helped him so much. Maybe there's a resource at the school to help Lucy?

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