It’s lucky that we got that smiley picture after that second round, because after that we got lined up against the best team we had played all season. One of the two we lost to in the beginning. We had come back and beat them in a separate tournament in the meantime, so we thought there was a chance. But the boys were so darn nervous. They didn’t “come to play” and that other team was pretty darn amazing.
We lost.
At least the team we lost to ended up winning the whole thing. For some reason that made us feel better:)
But it was a heartbreaker. Luckily Max’s #1 cheerleader put a smile on his face:
The boys all came over after that. It was fun to have them all together and fix them some top ramen to lift their spirits 🙂
Have I mentioned how much I love these boys? They are all exceptional.
And I’m so grateful they have kind of served as the “brothers” Max never got in real life.
They have kind of been “brothers” to my girls too. Check out that nice math homework helper:
Love them.
(Wish I had better pics.)
They all got funny gag gifts and celebrated a great year.
It WAS a really, really great one.
There is a great photographer who comes to most of the games with her big, awesome camera (her site is HERE). We got pictures from her of the season that I just have to share.
Here you go:
LOVE that intensity.
I love how Max puts his arms way back when he’s going to get the set.
This one’s my favorite:
Check out that concentration.
I LOVED the pre-game stuff.
Now they’re on to practicing for Nationals next month.
It doesn’t stop. But what a great sport.
Woot Woot! Go Coach Darrin! 🙂 So many cool pictures, glad they did so well!
Amazing pictures of my oldest grandson MAX
Such GREAT pictures! It's not like being there but almost! What a great volleyball year! Next year….coming up!
Such GREAT pictures! It's not like being there but almost! What a great volleyball year! Next year….coming up!