I just want to give a little shout-out to Joy School…my favorite ever program for pre-schoolers.
I’m a little biased, I know, (it’s my parent’s program), but I did it with my kids and oh boy, did I ever adore it. Teaching Joy School (its kind of a co-op teaching opportunity) was one of my very favorite memories of mothering my pre-schoolers. There’s nothing like getting to be in on those moments when your child is learning the beauties and joys of life, right along with their budding social skills amidst peer pre-schoolers. Oh if I could just transport myself back to those days just for a little! Here are my four Joy School graduates:
Lucy missed it in a formal way since she started into her “special” preschool at the school when she got her diagnosis, but luckily her sisters came in to save the day and taught her and her friends some whiz-bang joy school lessons:
Anyway, wanted to share that because I don’t want anyone to miss out on that magic if you’re interested! I know the school year has started, but maybe there are some young moms out there looking for something like this.
One more thing: my parents are doing their second annual “Family.Is” awards, trying to help keep families and family values in the forefront in the world right now. They are open for nominations right now, so check it out if you know anyone amazing who should get nominated for helping to make build families.
Ok, and one more thing:
It is General Conference this weekend for our church.
Hallelujah!! We are so excited. My missionary is most excited though 🙂 Anyone is welcome to join in if you want to fill up your heart with goodness.
Click HERE or HERE To see how to view/join in.
Happy weekend…sending out lots of love!