(that picture is missing a few but you get the idea)
Lu got to hang with this darling little friend the whole time too, who likes coloring almost as much as she does.
So that goes without saying that she was in Heaven too.
Max was at BYU volleyball camp so he missed out (but was in his own little piece of Heaven up there).
I got to be with my friends too.
(I adore those great ladies)
And although Dave and the other Dads were not around right at that picture moment (they were working their tails off setting things up), they sure enjoyed being together too in this gorgeous spot.
A pyramid try with everyone…
After that failed they did just girls:
(Claire sure made herself right at home with all the big kids)
…and just boys (and one girl 😉
We had a BBQ and dance party when it got dark.
The next day we enjoyed the woods…
…by playing a little bit of paintball.
I have never done paintball before.
It was a definite hit.
This one gave Elle a little headache though…
Claire thought it was about the coolest thing she has ever done.
So grateful for these great dads who did all the set up and kept everyone stocked with paintballs.
Man that Elle’s a lucky girl. So many great friends her age that we adore. We are into the senior year a couple weeks by now and I think it would be an understatement to say that she’s having a good time.
After a ton of great food, more games and cleaning out that great place we headed home.
Accompanied by so much beauty.
Yes it’s hot here in the desert, but it sure is gorgeous and filled with great people.
WOW! All I can say is just WOW!
How do your kids get jobs? Most employers expect a 20 hr minimum a week and no time off for 3-6 months. And the less favorable schedule. Always working on Friday night or Saturday the first year. Putting in their time until there are newer employees who take the less desirable shifts. It seems impossible to do with sports.
In that girl pyramid, it looks like Elle has a twin right next to her. That made me do a double-take!