Thank you for all the great insights and opinions, lots of food for thought.
Here are the winners all picked directly from
Kristen who said:
This would be a very interesting book to read! I grew up in a great family, but I know those around me didn’t and I could literally SEE how it affected so many parts of their lives. So sad.
Christi who said:
I ABSOLUTELY believe that the decline & destruction of families is contributing to America self-destructing. I also believe that the masses are being dumbed down, and that generally speaking people are lazier. It’s easier not to put in the time & work, let someone else “take care of everything” & pretend thst eveything is just fine. It’s not.
I’m looking forward to reading this book, whether I win a copy or buy one in September. xo
Sena who said:
This is SO interesting! The research I’ve always read states that the statistics now aren’t that much worse than they were 50 years ago, but that we know more about them/advertise them more now. I’d love to read this book! (The Way We Never Were is one book I’m referring to)
Jodi who said:
I would love to have a copy of this book in my home.
Mary who said:
So uncanny that this just popped up as I learnt this afternoon of a friend’s sister who was mugged in daylight in a well to do shopping street here in Perth. I was disgusted and was having a conversation saying we need to bring back “Old fashioned parenting” and discipline and respect needs to be taught. The ” family” as such is disappearing and all these problems are being blamed on teachers, police, boredom etc etc and anyone else they can think of, instead of looking in their own backyard. I wish our society would realise that we are not helping by giving away so much money without having to work or earn it and being too lenient on those who do wrong . They will never learn respect for others if they don’t learn to respect themselves first.
Sara Tidball who said:
I need help with my family. I would love a chance to read this book.
Ethan Pippin who said:
What matters most…families! They truly are the strength to any society, which mean they are also the weakness once the scales are tipped in the wrong direction. Guidance, comfort, love, support, companionship, 1st friendships, loyalty, respect, achievement- oriented, determination, FUN…and these and so much more are found in the core values of a family. I couldn’t imagine my life without mine! Would love a book 🙂
Janelle who said:
Hmmmm. I so agree with everything you said. One point that I think is important to make is to still acknowledge those who do not have such fabulous families (such as yours!). I do believe as the previous comment said that people do have a hard time committing…but it is also essential to realize that we do not walk in others shoes and I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in a dysfunctional family. And to say that families are so important (which I know they are) probably seems like a harsh blow to them. I would like more people to treat others like family as well. It seems that people have so many acquaintances and facebook friends but when it all comes down to it we just ALL need to be there for each other…despite differences in families, religions, beliefs, etc.
Cheryl Cardall who said:
I would love a copy of the book. Healthy families are crucial to the success of our society. I think some are in denial that the violence, promiscuity etc of our society is caused by the breakdown of the family. I heard your Dad give some of these statistics and his concern for society at the POM Park City retreat this May. It is obvious they are very concerned and are a light on the hill to so many.
another Kristen who said:
Family is everything to me and I do agree that the family structure is the most important unit. Since it’s the most important then why don’t we put every effort into nurturing and supporting and loving it? I am a young mom and just beginning my journey but I have been wanting to start reading parenting/family books to help me along the way. I would love a copy of this new book 🙂
To the winners, please send your address to me at sepphotography at gmail dot com and I will forward it to my parents who will be sure you get your very own copy the book.
For everyone else who wants a copy, you can pre-order your own HERE. The more we order the more likely this book will help catch on, and we can keep this “movement” going!
Much love from our family to yours. Whether it’s the one you are from or the one you are trying to repair or the one you are trying to nurture and grow or the ones you are trying to support, family matters.
Strong families can change the world!
Thank you! Can't wait to dig into this book!
Yay…thank you so much!! How exciting. Have emailed you my address. xxoo
Well that was fun and exciting news! Thanks so much!
I am very excited to read your parents book…and although I know I do disagree with them on some issues I think that is ok! We're all ultimately just working hard and being kind 😉
Yay! Thanks so much!
I read and article which I can't seem to locate this morning (sorry) about parenting in the US verses other countries and those interviewed in America referenced books over their own parents and in other countries they reference their own parents for advice and/or support. I am one of those American's who seeks advice from books, etc. I would LOVE to see a positive movement for my children's future. I believe it can happen! Thanks for sharing the comments.
Hi! I have a big question for one of your Friday FAQs. How and how much and when did you save for each new kid you had. I'm polling all of my friends to ask how they budget for expenses children incur such as doctors, food, school supplies. Do you set aside a little each month for each kid? I know costs really depend on where you live, but I'm just curious about your overall system. Thanks!