I just had to record today…not because I’m whining about it, but because I have to write this stuff down so when I’m old won’t think I’m nuts that I thought life was so crazy right now.

3:30 a.m. Lucy starts crying. I roll over and hope she goes back to sleep.

3:32 a.m. she doesn’t

3:33 a.m. I get up to go see what the problem is. I feel like I just got hit by a mack truck since I slept for a little less than 3 1/2 hours the night before…for real.

3:35 a.m. stand by her bedroom door and she stops (thank you thank you thank you)

6:45 a.m. practice piano with Max and Elle

7:30 a.m. scriptures…cut short because we have to go to the blood lab (again) this morning

7: 32 a.m. cram cereal down everyone’s throats and pack them up with their gifts for their teachers, kiss Max & Grace goodbye as they head out with their friends to school

(Keep in mind Dave is MIA…work stuff)

7:47 a.m. head over to the lab with Elle, Claire and Lucy

7:52 a.m. Max calls to tell me I’ve got his longboard in the car he’s been SO looking forward to riding to school today

7:56 a.m. drop off Elle to take Claire and sign her in (by now I feel totally comfy doing this…these girls at the lab and I are totally tight)…head back to bring Max his beloved longboard

8:13 a.m. back at the lab…keep in mind this is my fifth time driving to the lab in the last three days. Coax Claire through two pricks to get her blood…luckily Lucy doesn’t register that this place is the same spot she had to give her own blood a few days earlier…it wasn’t pretty

8:45 a.m. hustle everyone out to get to the elementary school to do Art Masterpiece in Elle’s class

9:15 a.m. make the rounds with Lucy and Claire to Max & Grace’s classes to give them a little Christmas visit.

9:50 a.m. head home to grab some stuff to take on a few errands…the nurse calls from the lab and tells me to come back because she forgot she needed a blood draw from me too.

10:15 a.m. give blood…head home again to get Lucy and Claire’s antibiotics I forgot to give them that morning

10: 52 a.m. make a couple Christmas deliveries and finally head to Target.

11:05 a.m. run out of gas

11:10 a.m. my friend comes to save us…take us to the gas station, and home again (thank you Claudia!)

11:45 a.m. go to Target

12:30 p.m. smell a very stinky Lucy while walking around the store…make a note to go buy diapers before I leave

12:37 p.m. in check out line…realize Lu is still stinky….no diapers, but I think there are some in the car.

12:40 p.m. walk out in the parking lot…Claire tells me Lucy’s diaper is leaking. Sure enough it’s creeping up her back and dripping down through the cart. Nasty.

12:41 p.m. look in the car for diapers and wipes…non existent

12:43 p.m. wrap Lu in the paper towels I swiped on the way out the door “just in case” and drive home

1:03 p.m. home…start to change diaper but realize this is a mandatory “bathtub change”

throw the diaper in the diaper pail to turn around and find Lu had flashed over to the couch and snuggled up in all the cushions completely naked (totally not clean yet)

1:04 p.m. freak out…just a little

On to bathe the chubster, scrub the couch, do all laundry associated with her including her drenched sheets and blankie from this morning…

In other news:

Lucy is recovering from what the nurse diagnosed as pneumonia. She’s been pretty sick.

Claire has another UTI.

Our fridge is full of antibiotics.

I have a cyst growing in my eye.

I’m still sore from holding Lucy during her latest blood draw. Poor baby.

My computer has crashed approximately 374 times (at least that’s what it seems like), and I’m about to go nuts because it’s my lifeline for cards, photo gifts I’m doing, e-mails, every day pics., etc. I thought Macs weren’t supposed to do that.

The good stuff:

Most of our Christmas cards are out. Oh wait, did I already mention that??

Dave, despite being under a bunch of pressure with work stuff, is a star and has been helping out SO much with Christmas stuff. Especially after I broke down a few times with all my multi-tasking.

Only two more doctor appointments. in 2008.

Elle got to go to a Cheetah Girls concert tonight. I don’t really know much about them, but hey she sure had a great time.

Max lost both the teeth he needed to for his braces progress…one he pretty much wiggled out himself without it even starting as a loose tooth.

My Mom, Dad, brother and his wife are coming for Christmas and arrive tomorrow just in time for a tennis tournament and piano recital.

We can’t wait.

Ok, on to the serious celebrating. And being grateful. And all that holly jolly stuff.

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  1. The dirty diaper in and of itself is enough to throw me over the edge. Slow down & enjoy the season it's going to be gone before we know it. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  2. I am so glad to know you have those kind of days too! I am dying for you!!! So often I blog with creative editing – like photos that cleverly crop out a disaster in the background or only blog the good/pretty/heroic/perfectionist stuff. This is good stuff to remember…to remember you survived!

  3. You crack me up, and gross me out! Sounds like a crazy day. I finally got (most) of my xmas cards in the mail yesterday… woo hoo!!! It feels so good to hve that done 🙂

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Your days sound similar to mine … except I don't have to worry about diapers anymore! Your a saint Shawni! I have been up since 4:11 am this morning due to an anxiety attack! Now I'm off to help set up for our 2nd ward Christmas gathering & then off to my nieces baptism w/ all 5 kids plus an extra niece & I have to leave here no later than 8:30 am! It's so refreshing to hear how everybody is dealing w/ their own set of craziness. I'll be dropping a treat off to you today (hopefully if all goes planned) Happy Saturday & Merry Christmas!

  5. Thank you for being my twin sister in motherhood. You are proof that I am not a liar. Proof that I am not exaggerating. Proof that life can be crazy. And proof that you can be happy through it all!

    Merry Christmas and I love your new family photo. Gorgeous!

  6. What a day! Those are typically the kinds of days that do blend into the chaotic memories as years go by, so good that you recorded it 🙂 I hope you can enjoy the rest of the year in a more peaceful state!

  7. what a stinker of a day. literally! oh the diaper thing. I cry at times like those. And we are about to buy a mac and you’re totally scaring me out of it! You said your lightroom doesnt work that great on it too didn’t you?

  8. Oh Shawni–thank you for posting this. I think moms have these hero-ic days more than we give ourselves props for. You are truly superwoman. Sorry for all the craziness–you are not alone. You deserve a MAJOR reward!

  9. I’m giggling a little bit because Blake said he saw you two at the grocery store last night buying diapers! I think I have a few of Lucy’s diapers around here.

    And I’m always ready to pick up my good friend after she has run out of gas. You wouldn’t have run out of gas if I hadn’t kept you here at my house chit-chatting!

  10. Oh Wow!! You will be so glad to remember that day someday! I’m sure you are already laughing about it. Except maybe not the poop yet… 😉

    And I love your new picture at the top of your blog! And loved your Christmas card too…worth all the effort.

  11. Shawnie, I loved your Christmas card! It is always so fun to hear from you and I’m so glad to see your blog — it looks great! I love that my friends are setting up blogs now so that I can keep in touch with them at times other than just Christmas. Mine is at thelanderwhitings.blogspot.com. I must know — who has the extra toe? 🙂 I enjoyed reading your recent posts and must say that I can totally relate. But life is great, right? 🙂

  12. What a day!!! Being a mom can be so exhausting, but you are such a great mom. Hang in there. You’re awesome. Chick fil-a after Christmas break? We have family coming tomorrow and then we’ll be in Utah until Jan 4 or 5. I guess we’ll wait until then!

  13. That sounds like quite the day. Glad to hear we aren’t the only ones with crazy days. I’d say yours was exceptionally crazy though. Thanks for the fun cookie mix and the beautiful Christmas card. Julia was excited to point Claire out to me on the card (not that I wouldn’t know her since she has been my sunbeam for a year). The cookie mix will be fun to make. My girls (and I) love baking cookies. Thanks to you and Dave..it’s been fun having him for a home teacher.

  14. And I meant to say that I can’t figure out who is you had to photo shop in. Everyone looks really natural in the picture. But I’m guessing Lucy??? I don’t see beach dirt on her feet so that is my guess.

  15. Shawni,

    You are awesome! Thanks for your honesty. I appreciate your willingness to share the fun, and the not so fun parts of your life. We all have both, but it is so validating to be reminded of this fact!

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I wish you lived closer, ’cause I’d make you be my friend:) You really are a breath of fresh air!


  16. You are a champion!!!! I would have fallen into the fetal position and cried for my mommy at noon! Thank you for the Christmas Card! You have such a cute family!

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