Sometimes I like to dress my kids alike.Because I’m a little bit cheesy that way, and plus, if I dress them alike then these three are almost like the triplets I always wished I had.
(I kid about that…because as you can see they are NOTHING like triplets…these three girls are about as different as they come. And I didn’t wish for triplets. Just twins. All five pregnancies I crossed my fingers when I went into those ultrasounds that they would see two little heartbeats in there…)
But I’m happy as can be with these “triplets” I was blessed with:
p.s. someone just sent me another picture of Krishnamoorthy I added to the last post…oh man he is cute.
I really hoped for twins as well….love the dresses, cute girls.
Why not Quads?:)
I did wish for triplets 🙂
PRECIOUS girls. I LOVE it when girls are dressed alike. If you read my blog much you know we always dress our grandgirls alike! They are still small enough that they don't mind! I DID pray for twins all three times. But I did have two of mine 15 months apart….That was as close to twins as I got!
Oh – I know what you mean! The sad thing is, I only have ONE daughter. Which means, when I want to get all cutesy – her and I dress alike (love Old Navy for that!). She's almost 12 – and we do have quite a few twin outfits.
Love the pictures of the girls; they are so pretty!!
You ladies are making me laugh…as a mom of twin girls! They are tons of fun, but a challenge too! I am blessed to have them and be a mom of twins, but there are some days that I think why me…can I really handle this! But, I know I can, I just need to breathe and it will all be okay.
LOVE the dresses!
Those dresses are darling! What stylish girls you have (or at least, they are lucky to have a stylish mama!) I only have boys, and it's photos like these that make me wish for a little girl.
As a mother of triplets…be careful what you ask for! You know what it is like trying to take a family portrait with 3 busy little bodies!
It was not until I was pregnant with my twins that I started hearing from women who had always wished for them. At the time I wondered, "are these ladies insane or what?!?". Now that I've had 3 years with my twins I still think that sometimes! Just kidding, it's amazing and I feel incredibly lucky that they are a part of our family, but like Twolittletots pointed out, it is really REALLY hard sometimes. I was relieved when my pregnancy after the twins was only one baby. And I'm getting a bit long winded here, but I love dressing my three youngest alike, and one of them is a boy! 🙂
HA! I always have that same wish for twins…that is until I am 39 weeks pregnant and LOOK like I am having twins.
Merry Christmas Shawni!
How adorable! my baby is almost 23…and man alive, I miss those days!
I always hope for twins, too! But I don't sometimes dress my girls alike…I try to often…and on quite a few Sundays I even try to dress our family alike…I wait to see what tie my husband puts on, then I dress my girls and I to match it! I am cheesy, too!
So glad I'm not the only one with a thing for multiples! I had always been convinced I was meant to have twins. Then I had my first baby…..and realized that the time for twins had passed. Once I knew what it took to take care of one baby, I wasn't so sure about two! Until my fourth pregnancy. I knew it was going to be my last pregnancy, but at the same time I was absolutely certain we were supposed to have six kids, so I had myself convinced I was having triplets. When the morning sickness was awful, I just knew it was because I was having three. When my belly "popped" out faster than ever, I swore it was because there were three inside. I even had my OB convinced, she did a very early ultrasound….and there was only one baby. Oh my goodness, I was soooo disappointed. The ultrasound tech must have thought I was completely crazy. I kept asking her to look around. Nope, just one. Now, I don't know how those other two are supposed to find their way into my arms (it definitely won't be via my uterus), but…I still want those twins!
So,so cute! After years of my oldest daughter praying for our family to grow, I gave birth to triplet girls. I've dressed them alike from the get-go for 3 reasons: 1) it's just so fun, 2) it's easier to take them out in public when I know that I'm looking for three of the exact same outfits, and 3) people tend to overlook their crazy behavior if they look all cute & matchy. It's all about strategy! 🙂
P.S.- after the triplets were born, we told our 6-year-old daughter, Taylor, that her prayers had been answered in a big way. "See? You prayed for our family to grow & we got triplets!" She looked confused and later admitted that she thought she was praying for all the members in our family to grow taller!