Someone needs to hide my camera from me. I honestly can’t stop taking pictures I love the thing so much and the “things” I take the pictures of.
note the difference in the color of skin…umm, yes, Lucy has been in the shade a lot this summer. And yes, that is Claire in the bottom right corner. The whole hair sticking up in the sky thing scared her off a little.

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  1. I’m LOVING your bath set! I just did my own little photo shoot of my girls last night during their bath. I had spiked all their hair with the shampoo in it and the girls were laughing so hard that I went and got the camera.

    You do great work, I would love to pick YOUR brain. But, if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them. Glad to meet you!

  2. I want to make wallpaper of the bathtub scene and hang it in my bathroom. Oh my goodness! They are darling. AND YOU are so awesome!! What a talent you have! J

  3. I hope you’re not afraid… I found your from Julie’s page.My kids are napping and I am bored…
    First off your pictures are amazing. If you’re not already doing so you should be a professional photographer, simply beautiful.
    Secondly, I am trying to figure out how you did your daughters name above her bed. I really want to do it for my ella.
    And do you live in Logan? I have some family there, its beautiful.
    Thanks a lot.

  4. You just keep exceeding yourself. These photos are so fun and the previous ones of Lucy (close up of her eyes!) are adorable! How special for your girls to each have 3 sisters! I only got one… so it’s a good thing she’s perfect 🙂 Thanks for commenting on my blog. It’s good to hear from you!

  5. Hey Jilliboo…I’m not sure what your first name is…thanks for saying hi and for your nice comments. That lettering above Lucy’s bed is super easy. I just got wood planks cut at Home Depot, painted them and sanded them down, glued scrapbook paper to them and then glued the wooden letters to them. You have to use a particular kind of glue called “perfect glue” at Home Depot or it will wrinkle and you can get the letters at Michaels. Kind of a fun project.

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