We had some good Utah gatherings to bring in the new year. With groups of all sizes and configurations. And I want to remember them all. It felt so lucky (and crazy) to get to spend time with all these people I love.
Ski Gatherings
First of all, we had ski gatherings. As anyone who has read this blog for a while knows, Dave has infiltrated his love of skiing into all of us.

Including his wife who dragged her feet for years.
For years all I wanted to do was take pictures of all the beauty, because really, how can you not??

But now I have come to really adore these adventures on the mountains.
That one on one time to talk on the ski lifts and sometimes at lunch with all different configurations of groups:

And now I can’t give it up even if I wanted to because everyone already has to wait for me at the bottom of all those deep-carved moguls, so I better keep on working to keep up!

Eyre Golden Christmas Gathering
We gathered with my in-town Eyre family…all but my brother and his wife who live in Switzerland and the two we had just left in Hawaii. My Dad always likes to have “themes” and this year it was a “Golden Christmas” all the way around with gold books for life planning and such a beautiful golden poem he wrote for us.

Oh I love those people with my whole heart.
“Odd” Kids Game Night
For some reason one night we just had our “odd” numbered kids to hang out with and we got to talk deep with them. And also play games with cookies. And popcorn. Of course.

HandBell-Playing Gatherings
Ok, so when we played those bells with my brothers family in Hawaii, Grace ordered her own set of bells speedy-quick. I mean, she had played the handbells in elementary school so she was pretty much an expert. (Claire and Lucy played the handbells too, you should check out the video in that post because man alive, I love her. I can’t find posts about Grace playing handbells but I know they’re in there somewhere!! There’s at least a picture of Claire in this one.)

Here’s a blurry picture with a little more enthusiasm:

Yes, you’d think Max was the one who did handbells.
We were cracking up because in one song some people had to clap for part of it instead of playing the bells…see the little “clappers” on the television?

You can get your own bells like Grace did on Amazon, and seriously, I have to admit we were all pretty into it. Thanks Grace! These are the ones Grace bought in case you want to get your own.
New Years Eve
Apparently it’s a tradition to go to this place for dinner around New Year’s Eve so here we were!

Can you guess who the center of attention is at all times?

We felt so lucky to have the kids and also to have our own game night filled with cookies and sparkling cider, of course.

We kept at the games after midnight because there was a magnetic pull to that table I tell you!

Lu, Elle and I were the last ones standing with the last game of the night after everyone petered out.

Pothier Family New Years Day Game Night Gathering
There are so many people we want to see while in Utah so we decided the best way to gather was to have them come to us.
All the Pothier cousins who live in Provo gather to watch Survivor when there are Survivor seasons going on and I love it so much. I love that those relationships are so important to them. One of the cousins-in-law always makes up fun invitations so we had Max make one up for a New Years Day game night, and we were cracking up at what he came up with:

We visited and ate.

We had three of the four in the “Quad Squad” reunited:

And these cousins we love along with everyone else:

Then gathered around for games.

We played all our “name games” much to Lucy’s pure delight.

Then had to end with a good round of “One and Done” for those who stuck around to the end. (Instructions for this one are at the end of this post filled with game ideas for big groups.)

There was a big winner: Lucy who got $100 from the donations of a few players.
And there was a big loser: Annie who everyone got to write with Sharpie marker up and down her arms.

Oh gosh, I love those people!
Jacobson-Girl Gathering
My mom worked to gather all her girls and her sister’s girls who we don’t get to see nearly enough.

She called it “Grandma Jacobson’s Girls” because that’s who we are: descendants of the best woman ever (my mom’s mom). She’s the one who wrote the “Impossible” quote in her diary that is now written on each of these girls hearts. And has propelled them to do many impossible things in their lives.
Love this mother of mine and her sister.

And ALL these women who are strong and resilient in every way:

We played a “Cahoot” trivia game Eliza whipped up with all kinds of questions about Grandma Jacobson:

And played more “name games” too.
Sledding Gathering
Ok, this was right before the Jacobson Gathering, but needs to be included in the “gatherings” because Lucy was dying to do a little sledding.

And we were lucky enough to have the sky turning pink and purple above us as the moon came up and to have my dad join us for a few runs.

Cousin Sleepover Gathering, And Brother Gathering
Of course after that girl night we HAD to have a cousin sleepover with one of Lucy’s favorites:

Can you tell?

Followed by an incredible sunset the next night when we dropped Lyla off…

…and an impromptu meet-up with my two brothers who happened to be at the same place and same time.

Post Mission Gathering with Claire’s Friends
On our last night I ran down to Provo to meet up with a few of Claire’s friends who had just returned from their missions…and my dear niece as well. And their parents too.

Oh how I loved gathering with them and hearing all about the adventures they’ve been on, and getting to know those awesome parents.

Can’t wait to get together with all the other girls AND my Claire who will be home so soon!
Three Musketeers
And then, our last night it was down to just the three musketeers once again:

Playing games once again. Because we go to those things like flies to light, especially when Lucy has anything to do with it.
We drove home under the most gorgeously-lit sky.

All those memories and groups planted just a little more solidly right in the center of my heart.
So so fun!!! I love how intentional you are at gathering!!
It looked like so much fun!!
Claire is going to be home in a blink! Does she have any sheet mission plans yet?
What does sheet mission plans mean?
I’m always so impressed how your extended family intentionally connects even when you’re spread all over the country (and then some!) My in laws are like you guys; they make it a priority to organize family events, despite living in a different state from all their kids. Super grateful for that effort!