Our second annual Vision Walk went off without a hitch…
…except for the fact that I went to the wrong address at first and arrived all late and huffy.

But let’s not talk about that. Let’s talk about how all these good, good people showed up to show their support. (There was one mom and daughter who we somehow missed in that above picture though, darn it.)

What you can’t see in that above picture is the big ceremony they held at the beginning to give out awards for which team raised the most money, who had the best t-shirts, who had the most spirit, etc.
We walked three laps around this one-mile diameter park,
ate bagels, cotton candy and snow cones galore,

did some good jumping,jumped on bouncy house things,
had some brother-bonding,
and enjoyed hanging with all these people we love so much.Claudia (below) came last year too (love you, Claudia & girls!).
I wish I could have taken a picture of Lucy with all her best friends who were there to support her.

Unfortunately she wasn’t in top-notch picture-taking mode:The moms:
Our family is so incredibly grateful for all the generous donations to the cause, monetarily, in prayers, in support, in love.

Little does Lucy fully comprehend at this point how incredibly blessed she is to have love coming at her from all sides. But she feels it. I can tell. She feels that love that has changed her and will continue to change her life for the better.

We all feel it.
Thank you, thank you.

Next year, in conjunction with my sweet sis-and bro-in-law, we’re going to get started a little earlier on notifying people.
And maybe we’ll even have special “I Love Lucy” team t-shirts made up…

It felt good to be doing something for such a great cause.

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  1. Oh man! I'm thrilled it went so well, but so angry at myself for forgetting. Is it too late for me to donate? I plan on doing the Vision Walk here in Colorado in (Oct./Nov.)
    I need to come up with a cool team name and tee shirts I guess.
    I've been bombarded with a house full of sick kiddos, so I completely forgot. Soryy, sorry, sorry.

  2. You don't know me, but I know who you are…ok so that sounded kind of creepy. I was friends with Eva in Oxford and she would talk about you. I read some of your parent's books before I met Eva. I think you are great and had to finally say something after I saw your bio on mormon.org and found the link to your blog. You even give away dresses;)

  3. OH I'm so glad that so many wonderful people showed up to help support Lucy's cause! We thought about you as we were frantically trying to get from Canada to Boston in time for the baby. You know the rest of the story! Wish we could have been there!

  4. Hearing about events like this makes me want to get involved in some kind of community-based "cause." This vision walk seemed like such a great way to turn something negative (the impending loss of eyesight) into something full of fun and love.

  5. After seeing all of these pictures, I wish so much I could have been there! My school has only 1 or 2 school events on Saturdays all year long and both last year and this year they have been on the same day as the vision walk. Perhaps next year my luck will change.

  6. i never fails to peep your blog once in a while and I totally love your big family. Everyone is so happy and what a happy family. Love the bonding and thanks for sharing.

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