Together as a family we are doing our first annual “Vision Walk” to help raise money to fight blindness this weekend. We’ve been gathering funds and preparing for this for a while, and I just wanted to write it here just in case anyone else local is wanting to come be on our “team.” (There’s no charge, you just donate if you want and help spread awareness.) It’s a big carnival with a 3-mile walk and we’re excited to get to be involved. For more info. click here.
My dear Mom is coming down to walk with us. (Thanks Mom!) And this has nothing to do with the Vision Walk, but the American Mothers Association has asked my mom and I to speak at a little informal luncheon this Friday at Poppy’s. (The American Mother’s Association is one of my favorite new groups that promotes the “cause” of Mothering. I took pictures for their big event when they named the 2010 Mother of the Year and Young Mother of the Year earlier this month but I haven’t had a chance to post about it yet.) For more info. about them click here…I am hoping to carve out time to be more involved with them in the future because I so believe in their cause.
For more information about the luncheon click here. If nothing comes up just know it’s at Poppy’s starting at 10:30.
Happy Monday!
Hey there from Texas. I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate you posting stuff like this. I have five children, and, although each of mine of is healthy, I want them to know and understand that there are needs around us, and there are ways we can help. I clicked on the link on your post and found out there is a Vision Walk in Dallas in May! There's a kick-off luncheon in a couple of weeks, so we're going to make some "Team Lucy" t-shirts and head over for the fun! Is that OK with you?
Take care!
Ashley that is SOOOOO sweet of you! Send us pictures if you do it and we'll put them on the I Love Lucy Project blog. My kids will be completely enamored. (And so will I!) Thank you!!
I am so excited about it! I got my team all set up and everything. I blogged about it, so you can follow the link there if you want to see it. I did use a picture of Lucy, so if you'd rather I not, just let me know. I'd be happy to change it.
I wish we could be there with you! Will be there in spirit!