We had an opportunity to skip off to Cancun with Dave’s siblings for a few days leading up to Christmas.
So took it!
We arrived at our hotel close to sunset, all three families at the same time despite different flights and delays, and ran out to the beach to bask in the beauty of all that color, white sand, aqua blue crested with white as those waves rolled in against that pastel backdrop.

I felt so grateful, again, and over and over again, for these three men and the work and sacrifices they made to create a business together that is still serving us and providing opportunities like this. And these women who I have always looked up to and learned so much from. And these cousins who are like vibrant balls of light and goodness, all rubbing off on each other in so many positive ways.

There is nothing like getting away to be able to slow time down enough to really talk and catch up. We have created so many good memories with these two other families, starting when our kids were young, and it’s so weird to be on this end with only a couple lingering kids at home, so many married and grand-babies coming. It is strange how fast life changes. And now Dave’s sister and her husband will be leaving on their own adventure for church for three years, and life will change again.

We were only there for a few days, but we sat on that white-sand beach, ate good food, went on some little adventures on the city buses, and one morning the majority of us took a two-tank scuba trip (we got the kids certified on a trip a couple years ago and were anxious to put their skills to work again).

We did a shipwreck dive, 85 feet deep, and it was so incredibly gorgeous, schools of white fish lingering around the deep sea-life-encrusted old ship, the excitement of all those teenagers tangible even under water as we swam through the ruins of the ship.

Our second dive was just reef, but every time I’m so amazed at all the life bursting from under the sea. And the bubbles floating up, through the rays of sunshine filtering through the water.
And the color of that water?

Heading out on the town for a little adventure…

Found some good gelato:

Those sunsets…

We found this beautiful tennis court that we tried to figure out how to play on (turf was tricky!)

On our last night we all sat around a gorgeous lit-up Christmas tree near the lobby and did a white-elephant gift exchange with a bunch of stuff the kids had found at the local “Walmart” and Lucy was pretty hip to the jive with that business.

We ended with a Christmas devotional (we had one the night before as well), and all was right in the world. Except that we had to leave. But Elle and Carson were waiting on the other side of leaving, (and we had seen Max and Abby right before and also two more days before we got to see Grace’s smiling missionary face), so yes, all was right in the world for sure.
I’ve never seen a tennis court like that before. Grass is kinda difficult if you’re used to cement and clay, was the fake turf even faster?
It just seemed to sink the ball, not much bounce! But it was fun to try.
Where is Dave’s sister and husband going on their mission?
Where is Daves sister and husband going on their mission?
They haven’t told us yet and we are dying to know! I think they can announce on Jan. 7th. Can’t wait to hear. Some of our best friends have been called to serve as mission presidents as well, they are all in for some adventures!
Looks like a fun trip. Do you mind sharing the hotel you stayed in? We have a trip planned soon.
We are always suckers for Marriotts because we get discounts there. This one is the JW Marriott.