Another dance has come and gone.
This one was squished in between the state football finals (where we WON!!! first time in his high school’s history so a pretty big deal!) and our neighborhood “Walk to Bethlehem” which I was in charge of a bunch of.
So that picture up there is one of a couple I made Claire pose for me for before she went to pick up her date (Winter Formal is girl’s choice) as the sky was getting darker.
And we had to take a quick family shot as we were sending her out the door:

I was going to meet her somewhere else for group pictures but they never even happened.
This is what she sent:

Ok, then a friend sent me this one:

At least we got a little bit captured!
Despite the lack of pictures, this girl had the time of her whole life.
Her date was so fun and she sure is in the swing of this high school business of fun senior life.

Love that she knows how to find the fun in the midst of college applications and finals and volleyball mania (she joined an awesome club team…more on that later).
For now, hooray for Winter Formal! And boo that it is her last :(((
Claire is just gorgeous!! I know many people will ask – where is her dress from??
Enjoy all of the hs fun!! The best!
It’s from ASOS. I think that’s where she has bought every dress for dances, it has lots of options!
Yes! Came to ask where that gorgeous dress is from; I want to snag it for my 17-yr-old! Claire looks so beautiful and happy.
Thank you, it’s from ASOS.
This is a random comment but we use your Tikka Masala recipe all the time and the recipe is gone off your site. Could you repost it? It’s so delicious!
So funny I JUST looked that up yesterday so I could prepare for Christmas Eve and it wasn’t working for me either but I thought it was my internet. I will get right on that!
Oh wait, it’s working now for some reason. But that font is always tricky to see for me so I’ve been meaning to fix it, I’ll get on that asap.
Ok, here you go, all fixed: https://71toes.com/2012/12/chicken-tikka-masala/
She looks so pretty!
Thank you xoxo