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heck I am 5 foot tall. you could both lean on my head with your elbow.
Love the blog by the way
At not even 5'4" I am jealous. So lucky!
5'2" over here. Definitely a right of passage when you pass your same-sex parent in height. I remember being so excited when I was finally taller than my mom who is 5 feet even.
Ah! I'm just say my little guy is getting too big to hold… what will I do when he passes me up?
That is awesome! What a great picture. How wonderful to have children to look into the eyes. Mine are still young, but I look forward to watching them grow into delightful teenagers!
The look on your face says it all!
wow you have some TALL kids!
How tall is she?? 5''9 here and I feel tall.
WOW! I always wonder how tall my kids are going to be when they get into their teen yrs. Seeing this on your blog gives me a glimpse of it. My kids are also super tall, but my oldest (Max also) is only 10 wearing size 14 jeans. I am just over 6'1 and was that height since I was about 14. So she just might be done growing. I know boys don't stop til their late teens early 20's.
You people are giants!
It was bound to happen one day! 🙂 <3 Jill
My name is Whitney and I can't figure out how to send you an e-mail. I just starter a fashion line of play dresses for playful moms. I'm trying to raise money on kickstarter. Will you watch it please? and if you like it will you pass it along?
Thank you!
You guys are lucky to be tall, I'm only 5 feet 1 1/2 and that's on a good day.
I don't know how to private email you and I would expect that you would want to delete this once you've read it. I have enjoyed reading your blog but today on your post there was an advertisement: "MGM GRAND – If Vegas is Sin City we're the capitol building – book now" underneath the sweet picture of you and your daughter. Then there was a pop up asking for a survey from something Las Vegas. I realize that blogs are a money maker and I don't have an issue with someone using that venue I am just not interested in fighting the pop-ups and viewing ads like the one on your post today. I don't know if you have any control over what scrolls over your pictures but it just seems a shame to have advertisements for things that don't seem to be consistent with your beliefs.
Shanna, thank you so much for letting me know. Someone else mentioned another not-up-my-alley ad as well. I have written to BlogHer to remind them I opted out of those types of ads and hopefully they will remedy that situation shortly!
Hi, my daughter is elles exact age!!! Can you please tell me were Elle gets her clothes? They are always so modest!! It is hard finding clothes like that now a days. It sure would help a lot!!!!! Please answer!!!!! Thank you!!!!