April little things

April seems kinda like ancient history right now, but let’s reminisce about that good month. It all started out with Easter… …and general conference: …which were filled with goodness (I’m still re-listening to conference every now and again…loved them so much!)…and a good April Fools prank: More about those two things back HERE. Gotta love…

February little things

In the beginning of February our kitchen looked like this with our traditional kitchen “heart attack” plastered all over the place: Plus, it always looks squeaky-clean like that.  Ha! I should post more pictures of my kitchen when it’s strewn about with so many “things,” pots and pans and dishes and kids and backpacks and…

2018 family snapshot

Each year I like to do a “snapshot” of how things work in our family at that particular moment in time. (Links to the other snapshots are here: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)  I looked over some of those recently and I’m so glad I have them tucked away to remember. So here we go with how…

January little things

The beginning of January found Dave and I sick in bed snuggled up in the “volunteer house” of OSSO in Ecuador on New Year’s Day (great way to ring in the new year), painting the graffitied walls surrounding that place (HERE), saying our goodbyes to those wonderful people we will always carry in our hearts…

November little things

Why does it seem to me like November was two years ago? Well ok, not two years ago, because that’s when Max left and that’s a really long time!   But just looking through these pictures makes me realize how quickly you can forget.  So glad to have at least some of all we did captured…