A Brand New Entrepreneur
Welp, we have a brand new entrepreneur in our house. For years Lucy has pined away to have a job. Her own job where she can make her own money….
Welp, we have a brand new entrepreneur in our house. For years Lucy has pined away to have a job. Her own job where she can make her own money….
There is something so satisfying about Saturday chores I tell you. Especially when you finally get a weekend to really dig right in. That’s how we felt last weekend. You…
Last year when my brother Jonah and his family came to live in the desert, he and his wife had an idea. They kept mentioning to Lucy she should come…
Summer is such an incredible time to learn and grow! So let’s talk about how to help kids be productive in the summertime.
One of my favorite parenting hacks to date involves how to make a simple chore chart. The thing I love most is that IT IS SO EASY, and seems to work wonders for my kids, even today, when they’re big. I love things that take the burden off the mom’s shoulders, and also helps kids learn some extra responsibility.
A while back we revamped our Saturday jobs. We created job lists that outline every detail of the work to be done. These lists have worked a little magic into our lives. They have created Saturday jobs that work!
Is there anything in the world quite as good as when you find a simple way to keep your house in order? An idea that will help limit nagging and…
Getting younger kids to work is tricky business. Here are three ideas to get them going and have fun in the process.
One of our summer projects was to paint Grace’s room. She wanted a little change from the yellow walls Lucy had for so long. And I discovered that when you…