I have a lot to catch up on after my “blogging vacation.”

One of the most important of which is this:
It was my April Fool’s joke to Dave.

Did I get you?

Well, I didn’t get Dave either. But that’s a good thing because he would still be hyperventilating right now if that little piece of evidence was true.

That’s really my test from when we found out we were expecting Lucy. I know, kinda gross that I still have it, but I can’t throw it away. Just like that little bottle of Johnson & Johnson’s baby shampoo I keep around. There are some things a girl with chronic I.W.A.N. just can’t let go of.

And Dave knows it, so putting it out on the bathroom counter only made his heart jump for a split second ’til he remembered who he was married to.

My fourth annual plastic-spider-hidden-somehow-creatively-in-Max’s-breakfast failed for the first time this year too.

The problem was that I couldn’t find my little spider. (It couldn’t possibly be that my good-sport big kid isn’t so easily duped:)

My back-up big honking spider was a little tough to hide in cereal even if the cereal bowl was on the bigger side…
But still my heart was thumping in anticipation after I rallied Dave and the girls to help distract him while I tried to submerge that ginormous thing.

Max saw the legs sticking up before he could take the bite I was planning: the one where he would lift up that spoon to take a bite and have that critter dripping with milk right there in front of his eyes.


Better luck next year.


  1. Nice try! I tried to talk one of my friends into doing that to her husband, this year, but she wouldn't do it! Said it was too mean, and couldn't believe I would suggest it. Thank you for justifying my existence, today.

    We were in Florida on April Fools', and went on one of those dolphin cruises. Some joker kept yelling, "Dolphins!" and we would all jump up, every time. No dolphins ever appeared…so the cruise was a joke on all of us. Ha ha.

  2. Great minds think alike. I pulled the same prank on my family. I saved mine from each child. They are in their baby books, gross, I know. I even posted it on Facebook and my mother even was a little upset.

  3. Confession: I still have the positive pregnancy test stick from my last baby (she's now 6). But if I tried that trick on my husband, I think he'd have fallen over with a heart attack….and then he'd have killed me. 🙂

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